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  1. Q

    How To Build Your Email List Through Facebook Groups and Fanpages For FREE

    This all sounds like great strategies. I will try to post a few links on the pages that i am a part of. I don't want to be banned though either. I also don't want to create a bunch of new accounts because i always forget passwords and all that. I have 2 google accounts and they are forever...
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    Start Affiliate Blog - Step by step and COOL Tools

    I think there is a place on your blog where you can program it to send any updates or new stories to email addresses. Im pretty sure you can put a gadget that will make it send it to your list. I will do a little research on my own blog and see. Im still pretty new at all of it and not that...
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    Case Studies: What works and what doesn't

    I offer a free download of 7 ebooks on internet marketing. at 100% FREE Internet Marketing eBooks! Download Today!. Then i have them on the list and promote the mega money emails at GA MONEY EMAILS! - Make Money While You Sleep!. I also have several ebooks that i promote that are for facebook...
  4. Q

    Do you listen to music while working?

    Funny, lots of people listen to music while working. I am VERY easily distracted and can't focus with background music or TV or people talking. I listen to music while i work out and wheni take long bike rides.. But not while im working. By working i mean while working on my computer. I am...
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    Case Studies: What works and what doesn't

    Yes, this helps, thank you. My autoresponders are set at 0 days - 3,5 and then every 7 days after that. My list is still very small though. Not even 150 yet. But its building.
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    Case Studies: What works and what doesn't

    Hmm, everyone does something different. I started with trying to tap into the health and fitness niche. I found the program i liked and bought it, (lost 20 pounds and loved it) then spent a couple of months promoting it. I'm using facebook, twitter, article marketing, a blog, a little bit of...
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    Generating revenue which will help you quit your 9-5 job

    OMG, I keep telling myself this but i think i have ADD!!! (Attention Deficit Disorder) I can't focus 100% on any one thing, especially when that one thing hasn't brought a dime of revenue for more than 30 days!!! How long should i give it before moving on to the next thing. I had a physical...
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    7 Tips To Increase Landing Page Conversions

    This was a really good article. What do you do when you aren't really good enough of a web designer to make your own landing pages so you use other peoples. Does it get knocked on google because there are undoubtedly a bunch of other people using the same pages. I try to reword them so they...
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    Creating a Google-Friendly Affiliate Site

    Content, content, content, content. The money is in the list!!!!! I hear and read and view the same things over and over and over and over.
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    Does Google use data from social sites in ranking? Yes.

    Social marketing is very big right now but just like everything else, it will phase out and become not profitable and we will all move on to the next big thing. Someone in another thread said smartphones. Who knows
  11. Q

    Total Noob

    I can use all the help i can get. I would actually like to find a mentor. A real person, not some website that is owned by a person that says they make millions where in reality, they make as much as me, which isn't very much
  12. Q

    Is Facebook Profitable?

    I have several pages on facebook but not many are converting. Ive done ads but they also don't convert. Just spent alot of money for clicks without making sales. It's a good place to promote events and branding because the traffic is definitely there. I suppose like anything else, if you can...
  13. Q

    7 Reasons to Use WordPress as Your CMS

    I use dreamweaver for all of my websites and i never tried word press. Im scared of the stupid learning curve!!! Everything new i do takes soo much time to learn. Im not the most creative person so i do much better with templates and such.
  14. Q

    If You HAD to Start Over - What would you do Different???

    OMG, i ask myself this all the time. I had a big dance studio that i opened with my boyfriend. Within 2 yrs i was completeley bankrupt but was able to eliminate all my debt and start fresh with an established business. I felt i was all alone though and my business partner "boyfriend" was...
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    How to Recruit Affiliates - Leaders Share Top Tips

    The page can't be found. Please fix the link ---------- Post Merged at 10:57 AM ---------- I have a shoe store online and would love to find affiliates to help promote it but i can't seem to get people interested. I have maybe 5 affiliates but they haven't earned anything in commissions.
  16. Q

    Do Google +1 likes help with Ranking?

    I think it just gives you more people to promote to.
  17. Q

    What do you think about Clickbank?

    What are some other programs like clickbank? Its the one that is most highly recommended and promoted. I must say that i haven't made much money there so i wouldn't mind choosing a different program but i don't know of any.
  18. Q

    How to Pick Your 1st Niche

    I actually have 2 niches. Im still fairly new and haven't been able to really tap into either one. lol. I keep trying though. I really like the idea of writing down 30 things i like to do. My problem i think is that i am good at alot of things but not really professional at anything. I am...
  19. Q

    Get off the DIME! How to Get Started in Affiliate Marketing

    Yes, we all do this our own way but when i started, they told me not to promote anything i didn't purchase myself and believe in. So i got my first ebook and it held a WEALTH of information. I also signed up on EVERYONE elses list and got all the auto respond emails. Alot of it is the same...
  20. Q

    1st Affiliate Website? Where to get it? How to build it?

    I use Dreamweaver. I got it years ago when i started my first website. Ive been using it ever since. It serves the purpose and im always learning new stuff. Bottom line, Im not a web designer but if you don't know the basics, you're screwed. I here go daddy has a good platform, user...