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  1. StackCash

    Are You a Lazy Marketer?

    I find myself being all about the tasks that I LIKE to do, and pushing the tedious stuff to the backburner. I think a good idea is to make a conscious effort to make a daily to-do list of thinks you MUST complete, whether you like it or not.
  2. StackCash

    411 on first step?

    Yeah, don't get caught up in all the information that is out there. I would suggest researching a beginner tutorial and DOING everything that it says. It may not be how you run your business a year from now, but it will get you started. Then once you have mastered everything that was suggested...
  3. StackCash

    Would you start with that if you were me?

    15k exact match searches = 500 searches per day = 200 potential clicks/day for the #1 position. That sounds worth it to me, especially if you have content that is converting. Your TLD may hold you back, though. I'm used to only using .com or .net. Whether or not people are searching for...
  4. StackCash

    Niche topics

    David, It sounds like you're trying to find a reason NOT to have a niche. You can literally start working with any niche - food you like, hobbies you have, places you've been, items you use, favorite restaurants, favorite types of nightlife. WHATEVER. To be honest, your first project will...
  5. StackCash

    Is Article Marketing Really Free Advertising?

    1) Not sure what your point is with this. 2) Whether or not you have a monetary expense, time is always an outlay of resources. 3) You only need to write the article once. You can spin the article using software (there are many free options) and have hundreds or thousands of unique articles...
  6. StackCash

    Hey SEO's...What's your daily schedule like?

    Well, the results all depend on the strength of the competition. For a low competition keyword, these strategies may be overkill. However, for something highly competitive, I'm probably not even scratching the surface of what I should be doing.
  7. StackCash

    A website or landing page and what is the difference?

    Thanks Mike. It's also important to mention that a landing page can also refer to any page on a website that a visitor "lands on" when they come from a referring site.
  8. StackCash

    Hey SEO's...What's your daily schedule like?

    ...posts - Commenting on relevant do-follow blogs - Getting reviews on Google/Yelp/Etc - Check analytic data/google ranking/etc Things I need to get my *** moving on: - Adding Web 2.0 properties - Hitting my links with ******/scrapebox - Facebook/Twitter/etc. So what's your day like?
  9. StackCash

    Do you guys spend more time backlinking or more time on-site?

    Now that my site is pretty much up and requires less optimization time than when I first started it. I'm spending about 80% of my time building links.
  10. StackCash

    How do you monitor your rankings?

    I think a lot of people (including myself) use Rank Checker. It's part of the toolbar. It's free and comes with a bunch of other analytic tools. Check it out.
  11. StackCash

    Driving Traffic to New Website

    Hey Kory, That sounds like a great idea for a website. I'm still learning a lot about driving traffic as well. I would suggest reading threads in the SEO forum. There are a lot of good resources there in terms of building links to your site and ramping up traffic. One thing I'm learning...
  12. StackCash

    PHP5 or HTML?

    Are you referring to the difference between HTML and HTML 5? Most designers/developers are using HTML 4/XTML 1 (which are the current versions, respectively). HTML 5 is the newer version of the markup language. It has great benefits in terms of embedding media directly into the site. However...
  13. StackCash

    Google Places name displayed incorrectly...

    Sure did. Thanks Linda. Hopefully I can return the favor sometime! :)
  14. StackCash

    Google Places name displayed incorrectly...

    For anyone interested... The problem was that my old company name had more citations than my new company name, so Google (and it's all powerful wisdom) decided my old business name is more relevant for my Place page than my new one. The solution? Prominently display my contact info on my new...
  15. StackCash

    Google Places name displayed incorrectly...

    Sorry, I had written out a reply and deleted it, apparently. Here is the info you were looking for: 1) When did you change the name? It it an official DBA? The business changed names about 1 year ago. It is an official name change that is trademarked. 2) Are there keywords or city in...
  16. StackCash

    Hi from NYC

    Hey Tony. I'm on Long Island. Maybe we'll catch up at one of the meetups sometime.
  17. StackCash

    Google Places name displayed incorrectly...

    Thanks Janelle. I waited a week to see if it would resolve itself, but no change yet. @Linda - Do you have any suggestions? I could PM you the places page if you don't mind taking a look.
  18. StackCash

    Google Places name displayed incorrectly...

    So, Google Places is displaying the wrong name for my company. It's showing the old name of our business before we re-incorporated under a different title. The settings page has all the correct info, including the correct name to be displayed. However, the actually search results and place page...
  19. StackCash

    Redirecting EMD's to money site....

    I'm buying a bunch of exact match domains + location (keyword + long island) and plan on redirecting them to my money site. My goal is to grab small amounts of direct navigation traffic in addition to blocking out possible future competition. I have a few questions: 1) 301 redirects are the...
  20. StackCash

    Do you guys spend more time backlinking or more time on-site?

    I personally view on-site SEO as just part of the process of making a new post/page. For me, it's just a step in the process of adding content to my sites. As far as off-site, I will build out a bunch of social bookmark/directory links immediately to gain a base of links. After that, I will...