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  1. Morticai

    Ask Me Anything Bing PPC Help Center

    Are you targeting India? I've mentioned this a few times, but if you are targeting 3rd party sites on Bing, they love to send you complete garbage traffic. I highly suggest creating a campaign that targets Bing search only. Far as country targeting make sure that you target people IN my...
  2. Morticai

    Best PPC Network In 2016?

    The best thing to do is ask yourself... Who would my offer best serve? Where do they hang out? Once you answer those two questions, then figure out which ad networks have traffic on the same sites your target audience visits. That is the best ad network for your offer ;)
  3. Morticai

    About building a list

    I generate leads without a landing page. But you will need an opt-in box, if not several.
  4. Morticai

    CPA Lead CPC

    Like any CPA network, it depends on the offer and how high of a quality your traffic is.
  5. Morticai

    Super relevant landing pages for PPC

    Yes I've done something similar to what you are suggesting. We had a data base of every city with adlibs. Such as population, weather, etc and a ton of other data points. This would make our landing page every specific to the visitor as it was talking about their city. To be honest, at the time...
  6. Morticai

    Minimum to invest on Bing Ads

    If a campaign isn't working at $50 a day then it's definitely not going to work if you are spending $300 a day. Like @AffiliateTutor mentioned, you are buying data.. So if you are just launching a campaign, the first week is very unlikely going to be profitable. I only suggest raising your...
  7. Morticai

    Pathetic CTR

    I totally agree with this. Getting a high CTR out the gate usually results in more traffic at a lower cost in the long run.
  8. Morticai

    Anyone using Adwords fraud click blocker?

    Why do you think they are fraud clicks? Are you running display in mobile apps? I've noticed that certain apps have TERRIBLE traffic quality because of miss-clicks. If you can recognize where the low quality traffic is coming from (usually just a couple sites or apps) then I would simply block...
  9. Morticai

    I really can't think of a niche and I have a budget of £100

    I would stick with something that you either: 1) Are already an expert in 2) Have a huge interest in and are willing to learn Far as running paid traffic however... I'm afraid 100 euro simply is going to be tough. You will want to stick with organic methods, such as content creation -...
  10. Morticai

    Ask Me Anything Bing PPC Help Center

    @madmax - Personally I'm from the US, so I haven't faced this problem directly. However, is there the possibility that you can call them? Just talking to someone on the phone goes a lot way. Unfornutally, you live in a country that has high fraud and is used for farming accounts on major traffic...
  11. Morticai

    How do I increase my Quality Score?

    Yes if your landing page has the primary keyword on the landing page, it almost always helps quality score. You can dynamically add the searchers keyword to your landing page by passing it through the url. For example: You can then use a PHP echo the...
  12. Morticai

    Ask Me Anything Bing PPC Help Center

    Your display url is simply the root domain of your offer. The destination url can be a tracking url and can be different from the display url, however the final detination of the user must be to the same url as what is in the display url. For example. Display url = Destionation url =...
  13. Morticai

    Ask Me Anything Bing PPC Help Center

    @adidam Are you able to? Yes Should you? No - technically it breaks their TOS to have multiple accounts bidding on the same terms for the same website. @Matsu Moto You need to use a tracking platform. Are you using any 3rd party tools when setting up your campaigns?
  14. Morticai

    Ask Me Anything Bing PPC Help Center

    @Hachiman From the picture, it appears that you are simply hitting your daily budget. If the campaign is working, simply raise your daily budget to the amount you would like to spend each day. Far as not getting leads, I noticed that you are targeting both Search & content ads. I highly suggest...
  15. Morticai

    Ask Me Anything Bing PPC Help Center

    Hey @atc90211 The reasons you want to limit your keywords per ad group is to have more targeted ads. Targeting a keyword such as "cool ford mustang pictures" and then having your ad say "Buy a ford mustang" is going to have a terrible CTR. You want to make sure that the keywords inside of your...
  16. Morticai

    why 4 compengins are in ppc ?

    It is always best to separate your Ad groups based on keywords. Make sure you understand the intent of the keyword as well as it will help you create the proper ad for the term. For example, if the keyword is "buy a Ford Mustang 2017" that more than likely means the searcher has already done...
  17. Morticai

    PPC experts I need your help!

    +1 to this. All the main traffic sources are getting better at identifying fraud by the day. I don't recommend trying to game any of them as it may result in a lifetime ban as their technology gets more advanced.
  18. Morticai

    Blocking fake/bot click??

    If you are able to identify the bot traffic, I would pull an IP report or user agent report and tell your ad rep about it. While it's not 100% if you are working with a reputable company, they'll usually give you a refund for the bot traffic that was sent.
  19. Morticai

    Question about Bing ads

    You can still do well using Bing. The majority of their traffic is in the US & Canada, but they do have traffic in other geos. Just be sure to split your campaigns up between 3rd party search & Bing only search as the quality of both is quite different. I've found that Bing overall is higher...
  20. Morticai

    How do I increase my Quality Score?

    @Unicorn summed it up very nicely. I personally noticed one of the largest factors is CTR & relevancy. So as long as your offer is relevant to your targeting, the primary thing you should focus on is CTR. A trick to help get a better CTR, is to use the same exact ad 10 times in an ad group...