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  1. David Jackson

    What are the Best Types of Articles to Write?

    That's a fantastic idea! Sort of like coming attractions. Great idea! David Jackson
  2. David Jackson

    What are the Best Types of Articles to Write?

    Bryan, would you mind explaining how you arrived at that conclusion? The reason I ask is because articles are supposed to educate the reader. That's the whole point of articles. Also, there's an old aphorism in marketing: "The more you tell, the more you sell." David Jackson
  3. David Jackson

    Article Marketing: It's Not For Everyone

    That's exactly my point. It smells fishy. Why have a supplemental index at all? David Jackson
  4. David Jackson

    Article Marketing: It's Not For Everyone

    While Google may have removed the supplemental label, do you honestly believe that Google now puts everything into one big index, and treats everybody's content the same? You can believe that if you want to. I don't - not for a second. Sometimes, you have to exercise a little common sense...
  5. David Jackson

    Article Marketing: It's Not For Everyone

    Actually, just because your articles don't appear in Google's main index, doesn't mean that they're not in any of Google's Indexes. Your articles could very well be in Google's Supplemental pages. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Google's Supplemental pages, I suggest you read this...
  6. David Jackson

    How to Become a Professional Internet Marketer

    ...and it's FREE! :) David Jackson
  7. David Jackson

    A Niche of Passion

    Limited passion? There's no such thing. That's like having limited love for your spouse or your kids. Either you really love them or you don't. Well, passion is a powerful emotion just like love. Either you really love what you're doing or you don't. That's what true passion is. David Jackson
  8. David Jackson

    EzineArticles Declares War on Affiliates

    Exactly. Their war is with the affiliate's content, not the affiliates themselves. David Jackson.
  9. David Jackson

    A Niche of Passion

    Hey, whatever it takes. I'm also passionate about having the ability to work from home. It's a great feeling to wake up in the morning, and realize that you're only a few feet away from your office. David Jackson
  10. David Jackson

    Social bookmarking tool

    Yes, indeed. That is a great tool. Thanks for sharing! David Jackson
  11. David Jackson

    Can I publish same article in my websites+Article Directory?

    In a word - yes. I've written dozens of articles, and have had many published by top authority sites. And I can tell you from personal experience, that whole duplicate content issue is way overblown. David Jackson
  12. David Jackson

    How to Become a Professional Internet Marketer

    Thanks, Joe! :) David Jackson
  13. David Jackson

    How to Become a Professional Internet Marketer

    Joe and Linda, you're quite welcome. :) By the way, I intentionally didn't toot my own horn in my original post, but I will now. You guys should also study and learn from David Jackson. I hear he's pretty good! :D David Jackson
  14. David Jackson

    How to Become a Professional Internet Marketer

    When Michael Jackson was 8 years old, a reporter asked him how such a young child like himself could sing dance and sing so well. Little Michael innocently replied, "I watch all the good singers and dancers." Think about that for a second. Michael Jackson became the greatest entertainer of...
  15. David Jackson

    Paid Advertising

    There is no such thing as the most effective paid advertising method to promote anything. Any advertising method - paid or otherwise is only as good as the people behind the campaign. That being said, if I were going to promote a membership site, the methods I would use would be my own...
  16. David Jackson

    Article Marketing: It's Not For Everyone

    Hi Ines: You're quite welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Also, don't ever spin your articles. Article spinning is primarily done to gain an unfair advantage, and manipulate the search engines. In other words, it's cheating. I suggest you read this article by Dr. Ralph Wilson, Why Article...
  17. David Jackson

    Ezine: the best article bank?

    Ines, both EZA and AB are well-established article directories, and they both do well in the search results. However, domain age and number of inbound links are significant factors in the overall ranking of a website. Therefore, EZA gets the edge, because thev've been established much longer...
  18. David Jackson

    Building backlinks - long term strategy?

    It's definitely a long-term process. The websites that rank ahead of you in the search engines probably have thousands of inbound links. But they didn't acquire those links overnight. It can often take years to acquire the number of inbound links that's required to improve your ranking. So...
  19. David Jackson

    What are the Best Types of Articles to Write?

    No point, indeed. David Jackson
  20. David Jackson

    Product Reviews: Should You Join the Circus?

    You're quite welcome, Ines. Thanks for taking the time to read it. David Jackson