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  1. Jeremy Morgan

    Five SEO options; which should I focus on?

    For a short term strategy this is fine. Get thousands of links and point them at anything and you'll get serps in the short term. But for the long term, you better have some good content there. Remember, it's not just the links you put up there. You can build thousands of backlinks solo, and...
  2. Jeremy Morgan

    Five SEO options; which should I focus on?

    #2 is the most important IMO. The more content you have available when they land, the better. Build an awesome show first, then figure out how to get people there, and not vice versa. All of the options you have there are important for success, but I would focus on content the most at first.
  3. Jeremy Morgan

    The future of Google search?

    Checking a lot of my SERPS and many of them seem to be doing better. One thing I have noticed is more links to domain roots as opposed to deeper pages. Has anyone else noticed this?
  4. Jeremy Morgan

    Google vs. Google Caffeine

    I too have noticed keyword domains doing better, and I think older domains are doing better, which I suppose is good for some, but bad for most.
  5. Jeremy Morgan

    Affiliate marketing peak

    I think AM has taken off a lot recently due to both the internet community becoming more knowledgeable, and the fact that people are losing their jobs. I don't think we've seen the peak yet.
  6. Jeremy Morgan

    Ebooks Won't Give you the SECRET - Keep your wallet in your pocket

    I think for the most parts ebooks should be treated as guides, and "seeds" for information. I'm hesitant to paint all ebooks and their authors with the same brush. Yes, it's mostly information you can find in a book, or on the internet. But much of the information contained in a good ebook...
  7. Jeremy Morgan

    Want to get 10,000 Twitter Followers by next week?

    Do you want Thousands of Followers on Twitter? Get the software that's making marketers wildly successful on Twitter! Do you have a product to market, or just want to add more interesting people to your account? Do you want to push your business into the world of social media? You could...
  8. Jeremy Morgan

    Auto IT - The ultimate automation tool

    this is a priceless tool for automating many tasks with windows: AutoIt v3 - Automate and Script Windows Tasks - For Free! I have used for tons of stuff, from tedious form filling or reporting to backing up files or performing repetitive tasks. A bit of a learning curve, but a very nice...
  9. Jeremy Morgan

    Is it incentive method?

    I would guess they would say no, but I would be sure to ask first. Sounds like something that would get you banned with most networks.
  10. Jeremy Morgan


    there are a lot of neat automation tasks you can do with roboform also, for submitting sites and the like.
  11. Jeremy Morgan

    Google Site Optimizer

    It's a great tool, but you should still learn as much as you can about headlines, writing, PPC optimization and landing pages as you can. Google gives out a lot of good advice (if you win, they win) but you should still do as much research as possible into what you're doing.
  12. Jeremy Morgan

    Matt Cutts advises removal of nofollow

    I briefly experimented with nofollow, but now I pretty much ignore it. PR Sculpting may have worked for a time, but it doesn't now. I can't wait to see nofollow die out, just so people will stop arguing about it.
  13. Jeremy Morgan

    New Social Networking Site Being Launched

    is this going to be a virtual world like secondlife? If so, what separates it from SL, or some of the other virtual worlds out there?
  14. Jeremy Morgan

    Your Favorite Part of Affiliate Marketing?

    By far, the best part is creativity. Think about it, you're selling the same product others are selling, and you have to beat them out, so how do you do it? Affiliate A is selling the same product as Affiliate B at the same price. So how do you win? Creativity!! The best part about...
  15. Jeremy Morgan

    Clickbank vs Amazon?

    Amazon is a better name, but I think clickbank provides a lot better results. I have seen people who devoted a lot of time to CB and made piles of cash. One benefit of Amazon, if you are a programmer they have a great API. It's very easy to make custom stuff that uses their data, with your...
  16. Jeremy Morgan

    Businesses finding new customers on Twitter. Are you?

    Twitter definitely has the "fad" thing going for it, and fads fade. But the question is, how long will it take? Honestly I don't see Twitter as being a "get rich quick" or even "make money quick" type of thing. I see it as an avenue to communicate with your customers, build relationships, and...
  17. Jeremy Morgan

    Businesses finding new customers on Twitter. Are you?

    The biggest factor in not succeeding on Twitter and social media is giving up too fast. I know this firsthand, because I did the same thing. I signed up for some sites, and posted a few things, etc and didn't see instant results, so I moved on to something else. Then later I decided "I...
  18. Jeremy Morgan

    Hello everyone, new guy here.

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! This forum seems like it has a lot of cool people in it, I look forward to becoming a part of the community. Thanks! Yeah I have received a lot of good feedback about that post. It was kind of a "someone had to say it" type of thing. I really enjoy...
  19. Jeremy Morgan

    Businesses finding new customers on Twitter. Are you?

    what exactly do you mean by a "bad site"? It's somewhat unclear.
  20. Jeremy Morgan

    Businesses finding new customers on Twitter. Are you?

    The biggest mistake people make when marketing on Twitter, or any social network, is lack of content. Face it, nobody wants to read a bunch of ads. We all know this, yet for some reason people forget it when they go on Twitter or Facebook. They sign up, start adding people, and they post...