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  1. R

    How does the Google ranking works?

    Well if you wanna know in detail , you can refer those How Does Google Rank Websites? - Victorious How Google And Its Algorithm Work : Wordtracker
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    What data you can get using Google Analytics?

    Basic Data FYI Time of visit, pages visited, and time spent on each page of the webpages Referring site details (such as the URI a user came through to arrive at this site) Type of web browser Type of operating system (OS) Network location and IP address. Users on site , sessions on site ...
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    How will you neutralize a toxic link to your site?

    Through Backlink Quality Checker, you can know who links to your website. Now, you have to go to ‘Toxic link’ report, where you will find all the links, that are harmful to your websites. If there is any link in ‘Toxic link report’ that matches with the link on your website, then you can remove...
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    Why do internal links matter?

    In simple language , internal links are links that go from one page on a domain to a different page on the same domain. They are commonly used in main navigation
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    What are accelerated mobile pages (AMP)?

    Bro the ( AMP )Accelerated Mobile Pages create better, faster experiences on the mobile web . The framework allows you to build lightweight web browsing experiences for mobile
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    How does the Google ranking works?

    Well it uses PageRank algorithm to rank web pages in search results . The page rank determines the importance of website through various factors and then shows in search results for the desired keyword
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    Does social media platforms helps in SEO ?

    Yes social media is an important factor in ranking on google . A brand with good social media presence is an advantage in google search. It just tells the google that ur social media presence is relevant and the content on it is shared by soo many people which signals the google that you post...
  8. R

    What affects your SEO ranking?

    Well if ur asking in a good way then there are soo many factors which affect the ranking 1) On page SEO like relevant title & description , H1 & H2 , Alt tags , keyword density in content 2) Off page SEO like guest blogging , Content repurpose , local listings to gain bacllinks 3) Technical...
  9. R

    Does Instagram notify when you screenshot?

    No its not snapshot to tell when someone ss . But if you wanna download images it video you can use Instagram mod apk which lets user download the content on Instagram rather than taking ss
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    How to improve organic traffic after disavowing links

    Well did u checked all the links before submitting. The Google disavow process is a very serious process and you need to be careful before blocking them . Sometimes people disavow high quality links and they lose traffic . Check thelist if u blocked links by High DA domains or google links
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    How to Publish High Quality Content?

    Low-quality content doesn’t rank in Google. Panda and Penguin algorithm update by google already had emphasized quality content as a deciding factor for ranking well by these factors Make pages primarily for users, not for search engines. Don’t deceive your users. Avoid tricks intended to...
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    What is a Cohort in Google Analytics?

    So a cohort analysis is the analysis of a group of people. In this case, people who interacted with your website at the same date or date range. It lets you compare different user groups (cohorts) over time and helps you understand whether your business is improving or worsen There are four...
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    What is keyword proximity?

    Keyword proximity denotes to the closeness between two or more keywords. Thus, we can say as much as close the keywords are they are more important for the search engines
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    Most Important SEO Tips You Need to Know

    Most important seo tips 1) Mention keywords where they matter most 2) Link to internal pages on your site 3) Use keywords in your images 4) Link to other websites with relevant content 5) Have other websites link to you 6) Write like a human
  15. R

    What methods should you use to decrease the loading time of a website?

    First inspect those pages which are causing heavy load times . You can use GTMETRIX or google analytics 1) Optimize your images 2) Minify CSS 3) Defer parsing of javascript 4) Leverage browser caching 5) Fix inline small javascript 6) Combine images using CSS sprites 7) Using Fast host
  16. R

    Is Instagram is helpful to increase traffic for the website?

    Yes Social media plays an important role in driving the traffic on the website. Like organic & direct channels, if you optimize your Instagram , it can drive immense traffic on your website. 1) Use your primary keyword in your username & bio 2) post daily to keep the engagement on with the...
  17. R

    Is Social Media is helpful for the business?

    I will give u 5 reasons why social media is helpful for your business 1) Social media is a two-way channel where you have an opportunity to build a rapport with your clients and prospects. Social networking is all about interactions and open dialogue with users. Social media helps you humanize a...
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    How do I increase Instagram followers?

    Do not use the follow/unfollow method , it may give you some followers but eventually Instagram will detect the fake method and may affect your organic reach. Best ways to increase followers are 1) Promote your Instagram content on other plaforms 2) Create a custom story filter for your brand...
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    Best SEO Tool!

    Well the tools which I use are 1) SEM RUSH 2) Google Analytics 3) Google Search Console 4) Google Tag manager to track events
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    What is better, SEO or PPC?

    Well, both got their advantage & disadvantages. PPC is for fast results. You pay the money and u will get the traffic but its only for limited time until you run out of cash . On the other hand , SEO is long term investment. You keep optimizing month by month and slowly it's starting to give you...