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  1. S

    What steps would you follow to optimize a website?

    Optimizing a website for Seo means fine tuning a website so that it is more suited for search engines and it is easier for search engine bots to read. This means adding a number of useful elements like sitemaps, meta tags and optimizing the meta title to make sure that search engines and users...
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    How can I check my content quality for a website Google ranking?

    You should make sure that the content you are going for is unique and the best way to check the uniqueness of content is through a plagiarism checker, other than that it is important to make sure content is grammatically correct and people take some meaningful information from what you deliver...
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    Best Way to Get Organic Traffic?

    The best way to get organic traffic is to create a plan for your content, content is king in SEO and type of content you give to your customers goes a long way in fostering long term customer relationships with them. Then consider the best ways to build links, depending on your niche, there are...
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    How to improve my keyword ranking?

    Ranking for Toronto keywords is very difficult because there is so much competition, it is entirely possible to build hundreds of links and not get into the top ten. I would suggest that you do some competitor analysis, look at how the top ranking websites for your keywords are getting their...
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    Copying article?

    Copying someone's work is not only unethical, you can be in a lot of trouble for it and rightly so. Google and other search engines thrive on fresh content, and it is not a good idea to copy from others, if you want your website to thrive on their SERP. Take inspiration/ideas if you must and...
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    which tool is best for keyword Research?

    The best type of tools for keyword research is Google Adword Planner, it is a free tool and it comes from the search engine itself and it is quiet useful. Another good tool I would include is SEM rush, there are others but I would recommend sticking to a few because it can be overwhelming to use...
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    302 redirect

    302 is a temporary redirect where you are essentially redirecting the user to a different web page but only for a brief period of time. Most SEO experts do not use 302 because it is dangerous to get wrong. Why? Because when using 302, all the benefits of the web page (for example PR) are kept on...
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    Can i do copy paste in forum posting?

    The whole point of forums like this one is to learn new things by exchanging what information we already know, copy pasting from another website negates the point of that. Plus, it is a fairly pointless exercise, because people will call you out on it, if you cannot explain in simple terms what...
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    Which is more effective: Facebook or Blog?

    Facebook and a blog are two different things, one is a popular social media website, where people meet to discuss things, while a blog is a site that people visit to read content you post. These two different functions implies that both can serve a puprose without you having to choose one over...
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    Can we get Benefit by Use Black Hat SEO Technique?

    Black hat SEO is not worth time and effort anymore and it is far better to channel your efforts into white SEO techniques instead. Techniques for black hat are heavily scrutinized and the penalties are quiet harsh that what little benefit to be gained is not worth it. The benefits derived from...
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    For seo which is better text links or graphical links?

    Text links are the best choice for SEO because text links are easier for search engines crawl and spread the link juice around. Image links are much harder to crawl in comparison and if it not done properly, it can be a huge problem for the website owner. That said, image links should not be...
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    6 Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic (Get Ready to Work SMART!)

    This is some excellent information you have posted here, I am particularly intrigued by your suggest to host infographics, as you have posted, it can be an incredibly expensive option, which is why I strongly recommended website owners to do some research on their target audience and invest in...
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    What are benefit of social media site.

    Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and others) is one of the most important factors in search engine optimization, likes, shares and retweets are ranking factors for Google, the more you have, the better your ranking on SERP. Besides SEO benefits, you can garner and maintain a loyal...
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    Tell us, which is Better YouTube or Vimeo?

    Youtube is the best choice for video content visibility because of the sheer number of people who visit that website, it is a global phenomenon. However, it should be noted that the competition on Youtube is intense and it can be tough to break through compared to Vimeo. So do your research, if...
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    what is the best social media site for traffic?

    I believe that all social media channels have their own strengths and weaknesses and each should be assessed on their own merits, instead of thinking 'which is the best one' the question is 'how can I use each website to my benefit' Twitter is good for gaining attention, while Facebook is good...
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    I think Wordpress is great because it means someone who might have a wealth of knowledge and excellent writing skills now has the chance to share their content with the world and not have to worry about coding, an area they may or may not be proficient with. I do love the sheer number of choices...
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    What is Page Rank

    Page Rank is essentially a type of ranking that Google gives to all its websites, it can be interpreted as how trustworthy the site is (i.e. Provides valuable content to users, without spamming them). A website with a high PR is usually considered to be a website with high quality content and...
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    Best CMS

    It is very difficult to properly assess whether there is one best content management system because there each system has their own pros and cons. Lots of people tend to use Wordpress because it is very easy to get into and build your own blog, compared to other forms of content management...
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    Difference Between SEO and SEM.

    SEO stands for search engine optimization, where the focus is on optimizing the website's content, website structure and other aspects to make sure that it is in line with search engine's guidelines and maximize the rank of the website. SEM is search engine marketing and is focused on promoting...
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    what is business listing?

    A business directory list is like a yellow pages but online, a person representing the business submits the business to a directory list and if it is approved, it becomes listed on the business directory, from a user experience, it becomes easy to find a company for a particular service or...