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Recent content by sociable1231

  1. S

    If You HAD to Start Over - What would you do Different???

    I rushed through my sites initially and hence, didnt see much results. I decided to go back to basics and analyze things through. Afterall, I believe foundations are the key to success. Indeed. What I have learned: 1. You have to be unique/have an unique angle to stand out. 2. Provide...
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    Affiliates: Passion vs Demand - Determine if the Niche will be Profitable

    Thanks for the share. I think it's great info but sadly not many people think about these while doing their market research. All they think about is money.
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    The Disease That Will Kill Your Affiliate Business Before It Starts...

    Yup reading and understanding it well takes up a lotttt of time. And then there's still application. Stick to one thing at a time guys!
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    Article spinner

    You should definitely write your article manually, if you want it to rank high/get you good traffic etc. Why spend little effort to get little results? Do things the right way and you will get the results you desire. Don't take shortcuts in IM.
  5. S

    Is anyone actually making any money?

    It works! Learn, take action and keep plugging away. Most importantly, get your basics right. Basics such as keyword and niche research, seo, etc. Then, get your mindsets right - provide good quality info. Don't take shortcuts, or do blackhat stuff. Google is not that stupid. Do things the right...
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    Moving from Joomla to Wordpress...

    yea wordpress shouldn't be a problem for you. anything can just google or use the wordpress forums :)
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    What else should I be doing?

    Thanks minstrel for clearing the misconceptions! hmm threadstarter are you commenting on blogs/forums that have relevant information to your site? Try to find the relevant sites with high PR
  8. S

    Am I headed in the right direction?

    Yes, I agree with Linda that traffic is the most important for a new blog! Try to target your main keywords, get your site into the first page of google results. Also try to get backlinks - article submission, blog commenting, social bookmarking etc.
  9. S

    How many products

    Yea, start with one product first. Too many products create confusion, as there are too many choices for the consumer, and the consumer hates to be confused. But you can definitely scale it up from that after that if you can manage
  10. S

    Using Facebook for Marketing?

    Check out Ryan Deiss' facebook course? I am thinking if you can find a very targeted source in Facebook then it's good
  11. S

    New to 5 star

    Hi guys! I'm new here, and new to IM, but have set up a few websites and made a sale already! Still a lot more for me to learn from you guys here and I shall continue plugging away! Hopefully I can contribute here! An inspirational quote: Success Does Not Happen By Chance?But By Choice...