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Happy Labor Day - What are you doing?

Linda Buquet

New Member
Wow there's way too many people online at 5 Star for a holiday.

Man you guys are worse than I am. GET OUT OF HERE! Go play and take the day off and be sure to do something with your family.

<strong>Happy Labor Day</strong>
<img src="" alt="monkeys" align="left" hspace="10" width="150" /> Wishing everyone a happy and safe Labor Day! I'm working this AM, launching a new blog site for the affiliate marketing community and designing a contest for my forum moderators. Then this afternoon it's off to the Zoo with my one year old grand daughter. She's at the perfect age to get a big kick out of it so we decided the Zoo would be more fun than going to the over-crowded beach.

Whatever you do today I hope you take some time off to be with your family.
<strong>Stay safe :: play hard :: come back refreshed! </strong>

PS I was playing around with a new paint program last night and made an antique looking pic from one of her photos. I think I just found a new hobby. Got obsessed with playing with this graphics program and could not stop. Not saying the pic is all that great. But thought I'd share. Sure had fun making it.
Linda Buquet said:
Wow there's way too many people online at 5 Star for a holiday.

Man you guys are worse than I am. GET OUT OF HERE! Go play and take the day off and be sure to do something with your family.

LOL!! All I've done today and look at a computer!!!! :D:D Looking at a computer, aka iMac, is what I call vacation!! :D:D
We had a blast at the Zoo but my feet are killing me!

Ninno you should take some time off!

templates, glad you got off today.

Most of you know I'm a chronic workaholic but it's true, you need to take a break from the computer sometimes and get out in the real world!