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Business Name: - - Find Freelance Services | Hire Affordable Freelancers Online

Product Name:
One-stop shop for professional business services empowered by worldwide freelancers. Our services:
  1. Graphic & logo design
  2. Ready-made logo store
  3. Translation services
  4. Web design & development
  5. Writing Services
  6. Sales & marketing services
  7. And much more

Product Description:, based in US and Canada, is the largest crowdsourcing and freelancing website in the world. Together with our Chinese sister site, we connect more than 7 million global users with businesses and individuals who are seeking for talents and services. Witmart strives to be a trustful marketplace and workplace providing full services in crowdsourcing and freelancing.

Product Price:
$50 - $2000, prices vary from different services

Affiliate Commission Percentage:
  1. $5 commission when a new user signs up and posts a job, plus extra 7% commission on job reward when the job is completed
  2. $7 commission when a new user purchases a logo at Ready-made Logo Store
  3. $5 commission when a new user signs up for a gold membership
  4. 5% commission on freelancer's earning

URL For Affiliate To Sign Up:
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