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Do U have Affiliate OCD or ADHD? Here's what to do about it.

Linda Buquet

New Member
<a href=""><img src="" alt="computer adhd" align="left" hspace="10" /></a> I often think about riding off into the sunset to become a full-time affiliate. As it is I don't really have time to do affiliate marketing personally, but I dream up ideas and research niches all the time.

Even though I don't have obsessive compulsive disorder or ADHD I imagine if I WERE a full-time affiliate, I'd be a lot like the author of the blog below. I think I'd have a bunch of half baked sites that needed work and always be working on launching a new site for the hottest new market that hit my fancy.

I know lots of affiliates who act like they have OCD and ADHD, but I don't think they do. I just think the immense amount of information we have access too online and the huge number of opportunities, makes it easy to lose focus and jump from one thing to the next. If you can relate to any of this, then the blog below has some good tips and a strategy that I think makes some sense.
<blockquote><strong><a href="">Affiliate Profile: Impulsive Obsessive Compulsive with ADD</a></strong>

"I’m an impulsive obsessive compulsive with ADD type personality. That means I get an idea in my head and jump on it. Immediately. Then I obsess over it for a period of time. Its all i think about. It’s all I do. Then all of a sudden, I get bored or get another idea and jump on it. This is a very bad, bad combination if you want to be an affiliate marketer. <strong>Here’s how I cope with my personal tendency to rush into and out of niche hair brain ideas.</strong>"</blockquote>
He shares 4 steps he takes to help avoid the tendency to jump from one thing to the next. Basically he forces himself to generate all the content and marketing pieces before he even lets himself buy a domain or build the site. Then he wraps it up by saying:

<strong>"The niche ideas that don’t make it through the process are the ones that would have likely failed anyway. If I’m not interested enough to generate good content, people sure will not be interested enough to visit the site."</strong>

NOTE TO NEWBIES! This is also a great strategy to use before building your 1st site. Start generating content and don't some of the WERK WERK like looking for link partners, etc. If you peter out and get bored in 2 weeks then you've saved yourself the cost of the domain and hosting.

<strong><font color="#ee7700">So what about you? Do you have affiliate OCD or ADHD or both???

How does it affect your business and what do you do to try to overcome it?

Share your thoughts below.</font></strong>