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Bots and Humans --who is who?


Well-Known Member
There are a few reasons why bots and ad data metrics can be a waste of time.
  1. Bots can inflate numbers and skew data.
    For example, a bot might click on an ad 100 times, which would artificially increase the number of clicks and make the data less accurate.
  2. Ad data metrics don’t always tell the whole story.
    Sometimes someone might click on an ad and then immediately leave the website, which would be counted as a click but not necessarily a conversion.
  3. Ad data metrics can be a waste of time because they can be used to manipulate numbers and create false narratives.
    It's not uncommon for someone to cherry-pick data to show that their ad campaign was successful, even if it wasn’t.

    In short, bots and ad data metrics can be a waste of time because they can skew data, tell only part of the story, and be used to manipulate numbers.

Conversions matter as does the cost of getting a referral to the offer's *pay-out or transaction point' matters.
The rest of your data will be very deceptive. Who cares what the click bot fraudsters do in the big picture?

Preventing bots and scrapers from distorting your campaign's metrics is not easy and in many case not realistically possible.
What is possible, is to establish a benchmark of valid or invalid referrals.
40%/60% (bots/humans) is the ratio cited on a global basis --for what that is worth ...

What is a CAPTCHA?

A CAPTCHA is a program that can generate and grade tests that humans can pass but current computer programs cannot. This is used as a security measure to ensure that only humans can access certain websites or perform certain actions.

How do CAPTCHAs work?

CAPTCHAs work by presenting the user with a test that is difficult for computers to solve but easy for humans. The most common type of CAPTCHA requires the user to type a series of letters and numbers that are displayed in an distorted image.

What is a bot?

Bots are computer programs
that are designed to automate certain tasks. They are commonly used to perform repetitive tasks such as web scraping or spamming.
Bots are not people that do not buy nor low quality traffic (obsolete browsers, obsolete operating systems, or in most cases proxy or VPN (cloaked) traffic). This is just low quality network RTB remnants used as fill.

How do bots circumvent CAPTCHAs?

Bots can circumvent CAPTCHAs by using optical character recognition (OCR) to read the letters and numbers in the distorted image. They can also use sophisticated machine learning algorithms to learn how to solve CAPTCHAs.

What is browser fingerprinting?

Browser fingerprinting is a technique that can be used to identify a specific browser. It works by collecting information about the browser, such as the version, plugins, and settings. This information is then used to create a fingerprint that is unique to that browser.

In today's online world, bots are becoming more and more prevalent. They are used to automate tasks, such as web scraping, and can be difficult to detect. Browser fingerprints offer a way to quickly and accurately catch these bots.

By collecting data using JavaScript, browser fingerprints can uniquely identify a particular browser. This data can then be used to determine if a browser is being used for automation purposes.

Browser fingerprints are an important tool in the fight against bots. They are accurate and can help to quickly identify automation frameworks and headless browsers. This information can then be used to take appropriate action, such as blocking the browser from accessing a particular site.

What are behavioral signals?

Behavioral signals are aspects of a user's behavior that can be used to indicate their human authentic or bot behaviors. This can include everything from the way they interact with a product or service, to the way they move their mouse or click their screen.

  • By understanding these signals, businesses can work more effectively to decrease the false KPI metrics that bots will create.
  • These distortions can be seen as lowered conversion rates,
    few lead forms completed by the human user then forwarded to on the form's submission.
  • When generating SOI sign-ups, bots will fail to read their "bot-mail account" and verify their address :D
  • This may change as the AI bot evolves to terrorize the web ....

There are a few key things to keep in mind when considering behavioral signals. First, it's important to remember that not all signals are created equal. Some may be more accurate than others, and some may be more useful for certain types of predictions. Second, it's also important to consider the context in which a behavior is taking place. This can help you to understand the meaning behind the signal, and whether or not it's likely to be indicative of future behavior. Time can be a key metric. Humans will take time to read before they decide to click a link on your landing page. Bots just seek and click --more clicks --more money made! --bot brain seeks without deciding ...

Finally, it's also worth considering how you can use behavioral signals to your advantage. If you can identify signals that are likely to be indicative of future behavior, you can use this information to improve your marketing or product development efforts. For example, if you know that a certain type of behavior is often a precursor to a purchase, you can target your marketing efforts towards that behavior. Similarly, if you know that a certain type of behavior is often a sign of customer satisfaction, you can use that information to improve your product or service.