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Affiliate Marketing Conferences and Networking in 2020: COVID-19 edition


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Hi guys!

Whether you truly enjoy affiliate marketing conferences or treat them as a professional learning experience, you have to admit it - they are necessary for growing your business.

You might be wondering now how to network and connect professionally in times of coronavirus… And we’ve got your back! Look below for an overview of top affiliate marketing conferences and their benefits!

What are the benefits of attending affiliate marketing conferences?

Attending industry events, various sessions and workshops... or even parties (more like it, huh?) can get you really far in affiliate marketing. Additionally, conferences allow you to connect with representatives of all parties involved in the success of your advertising efforts. And there are way more benefits to it than just going places and attending the fun events.

✔︎ Brand Exposure and Business Development
Conferences give us a unique opportunity to connect to hundreds of people who most likely have the same goals, search for what you offer, or can help spread the word of what your company does, all in one place, at the same time.

✔︎ Contacts and Partnerships
Meeting like-minded people who share goals and means of reaching them is the key to success for various industries, affiliate marketing included. Especially that we don’t often get to meet the people we work with on a daily basis. And behind each great business, there’s a number of faces and real people who make it work every-day.

✔︎ Networking
Meeting people you already work with in person, giving your business exposure, gathering leads, having the word spread around, or getting introduced to new contacts… all this and more counts as networking. And you never know what business opportunity awaits you until you approach that stand and talk to people who came there for the very same purposes as you.

✔︎ Market research
Advertisers, publishers, less and more advanced affiliates, traffic sources, trackers, spy tools, ad networks, direct and indirect affiliate programs, experts, speakers, influencers, your partners as well as your competition… everyone’s there. You get to meet them all at once, discuss nurturing issues, latest trends and innovations. Also, you’re able discuss the best offers for your business, or spy on whose offer, product or services are better than yours.

✔︎ Experience
The more you see, hear, learn, talk, discuss, wonder, nurture, and follow while attending an industry conference, the more experience you get. No one tells you where the limit of getting that hands-on experience is, and it’s ultimately up to you how much your business can benefit from being a part of such events.

✔︎ Knowledge and insights
Organizers of various events make their best to provide you with the best speakers, sessions, and workshops during which you’re able to get a lot of valuable information and insights into the business world.

✔︎ New tools and strategies for your business
Every company comes armed with new tools and features they want to promote during a conference. That’s why it’s a great opportunity for you to learn it first-hand, maybe strike a deal, or simply research new possibilities. Conferences offer great opportunities to exchange ideas and maybe get new ones for improving your own business, too!


Top affiliate marketing conferences

Affiliate Summit
It’s one of the most popular and universally recognized conferences to attend for marketers all over the globe, offering four unique locations — Las Vegas, New York, Singapore, and Amsterdam. Apart from the incredible sessions, the meet market event is one of the most anticipated parts of the conference.


Affiliate World Conferences
Affiliate World Conferences connect the industry’s finest with everyone seeking knowledge and experience. The conference’s offer includes talks, panels, workshops, networking events, and a market exhibition allowing thousands of like-minded professionals to meet and discuss affiliate marketing business during two editions of the event — both in the amazing cities of Barcelona and Bangkok.


MAC Affiliate Conference
A big and popular event, focused mostly on eastern European markets. The MAC Affiliate Conference offers two events — the Moscow and Kyiv edition. Both include the market exhibition event, and the possibility to connect with tens of partners and companies your daily affiliate ventures wouldn’t be possible without.


iGB Affiliate
It’s dedicated mostly to iGaming affiliates, hosting three events in London, Berlin, and Amsterdam (previous editions included also Lisbon). The iGB Affiliate events bring gamers, operators, affiliate marketers, programs, and all those involved in one place, at the same time. Should be especially interesting to those looking for educational sessions but also marketers seeking to explore this specific niche.


Networking for affiliate advertisers in times of COVID-19

This year and the COVID-19 situation became a real game-changer for all kinds of businesses. Cancellation of various industry events, or resignation on the attendee’s side, prevented many marketers from growing their business and experience. Normally, conferences, market exhibitions or after-parties were the perfect opportunity for that kind of business activity.

Luckily, we’re in the online business, and the online reality gives us plenty of opportunities that have always been there — although perhaps not fully utilized. Here are some of the examples on how to network with the real-life events being on hold:

  • Affiliate marketing forums - you are doing it right, guys! :affiliatefix:

  • Affiliate marketing communities - do you belong to any other communities? Slack or facebook groups or maybe telegram channels?

  • Direct approach - have you tried contacting the people you’ve met and connected with at previous conferences?

  • Webinars and virtual sessions - any good webinars you’ve watched recently?

But that’s not all the info we’ve gathered on the upcoming networking events. Read the full article to find out:

  • When and where the conferences take place?

  • What’s their coronavirus event status in 2020?

  • What are the expert opinions and recommendations from Luke Kling, Servando Silva, Ian Fernando, iAmAttila, Colin Dijs, and Zeropark's Head of Marketing Bartosz Bielecki?

