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prosper 202

  1. cpaStarNine

    Prosper is NOT free anymore?

    It doesn't seem prosper 202 free any more? I had it installed today and when I was requesting for API KEY, it doesn't allow me to get unless I upgrade and enter billing details.
  2. cabref

    Prosper202 Real Time CPA Conversion Email Notification

    Prosper202 Real Time CPA Conversion Email Notification Hi Dojo Members, I´ve created a simple script to receive an email notification in real time each time we have a cpa conversion. All cpa Networks has a "postback" config. When you make a sale/lead, the cpa network fire that postback and...
  3. jose perez

    Prosper 202 and PPv Traffic

    QUick Question need help with I have a landing page how can I use the same lander with 50On red and Trafffic vance in prosper 202 do I have to add 2 Campaing In propser 202 TV and 50on red and have 2 landers