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cpalead scam

  1. Make Money With CPA

    CPAlead Stop My Payment | 4 Month Ago CPAlead Stop My Payment He Didn't Sent Me So far

    Hello Everyone and all Respected Affiliatefix Administrators My English is not so good CPAlead did not give me my payment 4th Month ago CPAlead stop my payment and every month CPAlead issue my Payment through the next month Date but not give me and he said we verified your traffic i wait one...
  2. pradep

    CPA lead got really poor support for publisher. (Thread Closed - CPALead Did Not Respond)

    I was having account in CPA lead from last 2 year but never tried to promote their offer. But from last month i thought to give it a try.. as i have website that ranking well in google so i used their content locking.. As my traffic was real and targeted i started getting lead with less...
  3. M

    [Warning] CPAlead Became Fraud/Scam! DO NOT USE THEM! [Proof]

    got paid.. case closed