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  1. comegetbravo

    From 0 to 10,000$/day & Beyond

    What service do you have? Since you're a service manager?
  2. comegetbravo

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    One thing with banners that's always worked for me has been using generic banners + direct link to mobile subscription offers. Give it a go, and also, as you've already done, run in tier 3,4 geos.
  3. comegetbravo

    My CPA Mobile journey to 100$/Day

    This is not always good.. Being a top bidder will most of the time be more beneficial because it enables you to unlock premium placements. Imagine this scenario: Person 1: Bids $10 CPM, spends $200, loses $150. collects data on best performing placements, and creates a whitelist campaign where...
  4. comegetbravo

    Journey with Mobidea and Propeller ads

    If the offer is guaranteed to work on pops (which your AM should inform you of) then you should start mass testing landing pages to get the best one, once you've done that, start mass testing offers, test other offers from mobidea, and offers from other networks. Once you've pinned down the best...
  5. comegetbravo

    Please guild the newbie like me can earn money

    These things happen from time to time, you just gotta deal with it, I suggest you start with a new GEO, a 3rd or 4th tier geo (think africa, asia, some parts of europe, latam, etc). Just keep trying.
  6. comegetbravo

    Starting my first steps in affiliate marketing - popads + mobidea

    Which vertical are you running? What payout? Which GEO?
  7. comegetbravo

    my first follow along, just do it, Updated daily

    Your landing page is performing quite well, try to split test another offer, or maybe a tweaked version of your lander.
  8. comegetbravo

    From ZERO to 5 FIGURES from scratch with mobile cpa

    Awesome job so far, just make sure to not lose your drive if things don't go the way you planned them to go as fast as you think, if you keep at it, it will eventually come.
  9. comegetbravo

    Journey this month

    Let's begin. I wish you the best of luck.
  10. comegetbravo

    My Journey Offer Report

    Try to use a landing page. And try to increase budget on the first offer which seems to be doing quite well.
  11. comegetbravo

    My Journey Offer Report

    Are you direct linking this?
  12. comegetbravo

    Finally Starting Journey With Zeropark

    On the large spectrum, sure, carrier traffic is better - but for example when I ran an AV campaign in an asian country the wifi traffic was 10x larger in volume and 3x cheaper than carriertraffic and was still converting at around 2-3%.
  13. comegetbravo

    Finally Starting Journey With Zeropark

    Actually I disagree, some of my best PIN campaigns have been on WIFI, because it's cheaper.
  14. comegetbravo

    [Follow along] How to create your first profitable campaign on mobile!

    Both, I use CDN for countries too far from VPS.
  15. comegetbravo

    newbie sweeps and apps journey

    You're doing well, keep at it man!
  16. comegetbravo

    [Follow along] How to create your first profitable campaign on mobile!

    Okay, I'm back. I'll post what I did for the first week, as this was the most difficult period of the campaign. Day 1: Launch. I had set up 8 landers and 2 offers. I let these run for a couple of hours before optimizing them. These were the stats for the first 5 hours: Landers: Offers...
  17. comegetbravo

    15000 $ in Two Months Journey ..YES I CAN DO IT !

    Good job on getting green! Now it's time to test different bids and up the cap so you can see if different placements will perform like the ones you've had green on. Also, don't judge a landing page for it's CTR, it's the CR + CTR you should care about, a lander might have 70% CTR, but 0% CR...