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  1. margo09

    PostBack URL / Pixel Issue

    Hi everyone, I hope you'll are having a wonderful day. I'm all set up and everything is almost ready for my first campaign launch. However, I found it difficult to track my clicks through CPVlab. It only tracks the views ( as i set it up for CPV because I'm using PPV traffic) But I need it to...
  2. margo09

    Niches + Landing Pages?!

    So it's outsourcing. I see your point. I'm looking for the most effecient and cheapest way to outsource whether someone on Fiverr or a landing page generator. I'll go into a deep research phase and see what I can pull off. Again, thanks a lot for the valuable information.
  3. margo09

    Niches + Landing Pages?!

    I see, I understand that VPS is to speed up the loading page for traffic and I used Cpanel in the past. But I have a simple question ( it might be a dump one tho). I have seen some marketers just downloading the landing's page code source and then uploading it to their server. Wouldn't this...
  4. margo09

    Niches + Landing Pages?!

    A BIG thank you to you MR. TJ for all this valuable information. I will start my journey at the end of July, I might even start a thread about my journey as a beginner. However, it depends on the circumstances and availability. Thanks again EDIT: I was recently researching all the landing page...
  5. margo09

    Niches + Landing Pages?!

    Hey Guys, I hope you'all marketers are running some profitable campaigns. Here I'm back, getting ready to start doing CPA using PPC (Bing Ads). but I have a few questions... Could you guys please provide me with a list of all the possible niches available out there? For Landing Pages, I have...
  6. margo09

    Can anyone help?

    Well. I was desperate as to how I could use Facebook's advertising platform while they blocked me from using it. So I created another accoubt hoping it would work. And as I said my account's ad platforms was used before with an uknown credit card. Not sure if it was hacked or something. But that...
  7. margo09

    Can anyone help?

    Dear Marketers, I'm having a hard time trying to convince Facebook to allow me to advertise on his platform. I have my Facebook account now that's been blocked 2 years ago from posting ads because I financed an Ad using a stolen credit card (Didn't know about that until it was too late). Now I...
  8. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    That's what i'm exactly doing now, but it seems a have some trouble with this Bing Ads, there's like 77 impressions and yet 1 click soo far, in one keyword, I don't think the problem is in the keyword but rather in the bid I'm using. However I'll try to set it to automatic and see if there's any...
  9. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    SO basically I just have to collect money and then start out. thank you
  10. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    Per month?!!
  11. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    How much is enough then?, The purpose of this post is to know how much money, effort and time I should spend (theorically speaking of course, or according to an experience at least). But nobody seemed to answer it
  12. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    1. My budget is kinda limited around $100 a month, so I can't exceed that. 2. I started off using Adwords, but it's expensive so I chose Bing. 3. I'd do whatever it takes to be successful in Affialite Marketing, and I'm not willing to take action, I'm in fact taking action. I'd very much like...
  13. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    I think you're right, it's really expensive to start out with Google Adwords, I'll try Bing and I'll sure contact you for any help. Thanks again
  14. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    Thanks for the motivation bro. Reaching 1000 subscribers seems a lot expensive than I thought. However, this is one of the obstacles I got to face in order to reach success, I'll just have to find my way through it.
  15. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    Thank a lot for your precious information. Since I'm a beginner I prefer to begin with standard paid ads such as Google Adwords and Bing, I have just started my first campaign on Adwords, and it seems it's kinda expensive to get just 100 clicks. By the way, I'm just trying to build a list no offers
  16. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    Yes but I'd prefer if it's cheap, If you don't mind, I'll skype you right now to tell you about my situation and everything you need to know in order to give me great advice.
  17. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    I'm targeting US traffic, I'm not going to do CPA offers, I want to to do CPS using Clickbank.
  18. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    Good to know. Well I have already stated in my post that I've created a website for this purpose, and I embedded an opt-in form in it, I want to build a list to promote clickbanks products to it later. All I need to know , is how much effort, time and money will it take me to get a 1000...
  19. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    Well, he calls himself Simolife I highly respect his way of thinkig. You might know him as well, cause from your name I could see that you're a Moroccan too :) I'm not looking for an exact answer, just an estimation or someone else's experience on how much time, effort and money did it take him...
  20. margo09

    How Much Would It Take ?

    Hello guys, I'm new to affiliate marketing. I have been inspired to jump in to this business by a native of my country, that had started from scratch and created his wealth that now he's living a luxury life in Thailand. (Cheers for him for making it by the way) I just want to be like him or...