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  1. JC Munoz

    I need a mentor

    There are several mentors out there that can help you but you gotta find one that suits you personally. I can advice you several internet marketing mentors but when it comes to CPA I feel like once you learn the basics, it is all about testing, optimizing and scaling. There is really no secret...
  2. JC Munoz

    Need Traffic Help

    I am glad I was able to help. There are many tracking programs but I am probably not the best person for your questions since I use a paid software for all of my tracking. There is a tracking section in this forum that might be able to help you. Check it out: Tracking
  3. JC Munoz

    I NEED Help!

    There are several proven methods. And yes they are proven because many people make them work. However, not every method works for everyone. Learn the basics, choose your methods and implement them. If you want one of the many proven methods: PPC with facebook because you can target your audience...
  4. JC Munoz

    Newbie question about bids

    Yes that is how it works. Just make sure you increase the bids gradually and that you only increase it for the keywords that are giving you results. JC
  5. JC Munoz

    I could use a little help

    Man if you have experience with SEO then just get to it. If you are not looking for fast cash then all you need is a niche, a website, offers and SEO. When you start building your base and some profits start coming your way then invest that money in PPC. Good luck with everything and I am sure...
  6. JC Munoz

    Where will i invest my $40???

    You might be able to run some tests with PPC or banners with $40 but I doubt it will be enough for a successful campaign. Try to gather up some more budget so you can invest.
  7. JC Munoz

    Need Traffic Help

    I think I would split test some banners in different sites using something like Buysellads. Do some market research using a browser extension like to make sure you are using sites that have targeted traffic to your offer. Good luck I really hope it works out. If it is really not...
  8. JC Munoz

    breaking the ice!

    I think what you mean is: you already know what it takes to build a strong affiliate marketing business. There is no secret recipe really; once you learn the basics it is just a matter of taking action and making it happen. But since you know that it will take time and money, what you are...
  9. JC Munoz


    Hi Ijaz how is it going. To be honest to make money you need to invest money. If you want to get to $70-$100 soon the best way to do that will be to master a paid strategy. There are free and low cost strategies that you can use but those should be thought of as long term strategies that will...
  10. JC Munoz

    Best way to promote Amazon Affiliate Niche site?

    Try SEO and conversation marketing.
  11. JC Munoz

    Any recommend offer types and traffic source?

    If you are new make sure you learn all the basics first so you don't waste your marketing dollars. You can choose any offer and make money from it but make sure that you know what you are doing first.
  12. JC Munoz

    Is it better for a newbie to try and apply to more networks?

    Start on generating leads with one. Once you are generating a descent amount of leads per day you can move on to more products. Don't complicate your life at first, try to keep it simple if you want to see any results.
  13. JC Munoz

    I have begun my journey, but still have questions.

    Yeah I would definitely keep on working on the website but at the same time start with some paid advertising. Your website and SEO should be thought of as you long term strategy while your PPC should give you results in the near future. To your success, JC
  14. JC Munoz

    Buying Clicks

    There are reliable places for solo ads and then can actually be very effective if you have an offer that is proven to convert. However, you need to make sure you know what you are doing, if not you will get scammed. To your success, JC
  15. JC Munoz

    LP for a cheating boyfriend offer?

    Questions are usually a good idea because they trigger an internal conversation in the reader. The quiz is not a bad idea. Writing a couple of short and simple questions will get the interest of the right audience. Do not provide a space to answer the questions. These should only be for them to...
  16. JC Munoz

    New to Affiliate Marketing

    Nope if you are just starting out I would not do Adwords. It is just too expensive and if you are not experienced you will waste your money there. Try other places like Bing or maybe do some tests first with solo ads to figure out your conversions rate. What are you promoting? If you got any...
  17. JC Munoz

    Optimise PPC Bing

    What I would do is: Create 2-3 different ads to test different wording, landing pages and keywords. Try to segment your keywords according to their category. By that I mean make sure that the keywords are a good fit for the wording that you chose for that specific ad and landing page...
  18. JC Munoz

    How Do You Get Traffic?

    I started up doing a lot of solo ads and getting organic traffic in a variety of ways. I am currently looking to optimize my Bing campaign. Just playing around with keywords to find what works best. JC
  19. JC Munoz

    do i need a website or blog obligatory to subscribe to an affiliate network?

    Creating a blog will only benefit you on the long run. It is definitely worth your time since there is where you will be able to provide value and once you decide to expand and promote several offers that will be your center for everything. If you got any questions send me a private message...
  20. JC Munoz

    As a fresher/newbie what kind of offers one should start with ?

    Find a good training to learn the basics and go with high ticket sales. You will be doing the same amount of work and earning a lot more money. If you need any information send me a private message and I will be more than happy to help you. To your success, JC