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  1. craig88

    Mobile Pop Journey 2017 - Finally Green

    Hey it's funny how you are going from FB to pops. Most people do it the other way around as FB is usually the more consistent and stable platform. Pops are very volatile and typically more difficult to find consistent profits in. The mods over at stm often say pops is good for starting out and...
  2. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    Another display of how lander ctr really doesn't mean much. The one lander had a ctr of 18% and the other 0,5% but they both had the same number of conversions...
  3. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    I'm not sure if this was the best way to test but what I did was run the same campaign on 3 different traffic sources as I mentioned above to see which has the "best" traffic. I learnt from previous camps that traffic can make or break you. I'm still new so it could very well be me that's...
  4. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    The landers seem to have conflicting results across the 3 traffic sources: LP2 had the highest ctr and conversion for propeller ads, but then much lower ctr for zeropark.
  5. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    Any tips for ripping landers quicker? I find a lot of time is spent going through all the code, taking out links and scripts which is either too much and the page stops working or isn't enough and the page redirects where it shouldn't go. And then even once I think it's clean there is always...
  6. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    Just realised the postback is delayed for the other campaign. I've actually had 4 conversions so sitting at about $6.5 from $70 meaning a -90% ROI...
  7. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    Blew through over $100 the past 3 days which was quite heavy for me... Was testing out a new campaign and spent $60 to get one $2.5 conversion. Not sure how I would continue testing it without blowing through serious cash...? The other offer I have been running is now over 30 conversions. I...
  8. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    I've been a bit quiet lately due to moving apartments so haven't been focusing on this as much as I would have liked. After the last few campaigns, I realised Go2mobi is a bad idea for these low-cost payouts. I actually read something saying the days of using Go2mobi to make money on mobile is...
  9. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    So I decided to give the mobile game subscription one last go, just for testing/learning/optimisation sake. After choosing my 3 best banners and landers above, I then reversed the maths to see what CPC at Go2mobi needed to be to break even. Using a 25% LP CTR and a 1.5% Banner CTR and 1%...
  10. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    Thanks Bashy I know exactly what you mean. I "know" about angles but have not been putting them into proper practice. I did the whole exercise of angles for Lazada below but never split them out into various campaigns with different angles. It was more of the throwing mud at the wall and hoping...
  11. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    I think you guys are right. I was trying not to change traffic sources as everything I've read says stick to one source and stop jumping around in the beginning stage but Go2mobi just doesn't seem possible, at least not with my current skill set. The conversion rate per Mobidea is around 1%...
  12. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    I do agree and think my traffic costs are far too high... The CPC has come down about half since choosing the 3 "best" banners from $0,1481 to $,0714 but it is still going to be very unrealistic to break even on those CPC's. With my LP's at 30% and my CPC at $,071(granted these numbers are...
  13. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    Thanks. Haha so you're saying the Arabic doesn't make sense? I'm not surprised I used google translate. I seem to be getting a 30% CTR on the 3 "best" landers which I have now sent all the traffic too.
  14. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    Campaign 3: Network: Mobidea Offer: Mobile subscription Geo:Egypt Payout:<$.5 Traffic: Go2mobi/smaato Tracker: Funnel Flux Spend: $18,66; Average CPM = $1,08; CPC=$0,1481 8 Banners send traffic to my funnel which allocates it to 6 different landers. No direct linking. I probably should have...
  15. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    Campaign 2: I downloaded all the data from Go2mobi and tried to optimise, but I clearly over optimised. Instead of just using the 2/3 highest CTR banners I looked at it differently. I did an excel pivot looking at carrier with banner click through to see which banner-carrier had the lowest...
  16. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    I'm not too worried about giving information away as my ROI's are -100% so probably wouldn't be a good idea for other newbies to try copy me ;) Campaign 1: I wrote a thread about this in the newbie section but just to go over it again I'll include it here. Offer: Lazada shopping iOS app (CPI)...
  17. craig88

    I Quit My Job. Need to make this work! Follow along $100 and more per day.

    Hey all, I thought it would be a good idea to document my journey to force myself to test, analyse and optimise various campaigns and get help and advice along the way. I recently just quit my job so I'm needing to make this work... I got sick and tired of having to be in the office from 8-5...