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  1. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [13th update] I'm excited!!! Finally, guys, I reached my final post on this journey . After all the hard work, I nearly hit my target to get $100k per month. Before that, I want to share what I learned by using TikTok as a tool for marketing. I need to stick closely to one niche and don't try...
  2. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [12th update] Hello everyone, today I'm here to update you on my current progress. I almost reach my target now, so excited! After some time doing marketing on the YouTube platform, my reach report starts to see improvement. There is an increase in subscribers, video views, and engagements...
  3. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    @azgold yes but still learning hard. @abaiti rus It depends on the marketing effort itself. AppSally offers wide marketing services and their new unique services are being added weekly, so I will not say easier but have more chances to make sales. Also, if the order volume is big enough, the...
  4. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [11th update] Hi, hope all doing well! I want to start video marketing on YouTube to get more awareness and customers. The content plan for the video are: Make a product explainer video for better understanding Make a video about customer feedback Create a tutorial video on how to grow...
  5. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    Now I know to manage a forum is hard and time-consuming also. My bad for overlook these points.
  6. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [10th update] My next plan for content marketing besides Quora is I want to further expand on other platforms such as Medium. What I do is publish new content on Medium around a theme that is related to what I'm doing currently. Along with that, I also explore how to create a blog or forum and...
  7. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [9th update] Hello there, Remember last time I post about marketing on Quora? Today, I would like to share what I found regarding how to make answer's stick, be on top rank, as well as why some answers got deleted. Ouch! To make the answer stick + be on higher rank: Be relevant when...
  8. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [8th update] Happy new year! I decided to start my content marketing strategy with Quora. I believe you guys know what is Quora. It's a potential Q&A platform to venture into as you can address your target audience's problems there. I start with Quora because it's FREE! How it works is...
  9. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [7th update] Hi guys, hope all of you are doing well. We are about to enter the new year 2021 in a few days. So, hopefully, we will be better in 2021! In my previous post, I mentioned using Metorik for my Woocommerce store. Metorik helps a lot to manage Woocommerce store and they offered...
  10. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    use tools such as SEMrush, BuzzSumo to help you discover new competitors, analyze their ad copy, and find their best-used keywords. Keep striving, don't give up!
  11. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [6th update] Hello everyone, Today, I'm a bit sad because my email campaign did not go as well as I expected. But is okay, I took that as a lesson. After about 2 weeks of doing this and the result wasn't what I aim for plus due to some problem that I will tell you later, I decided to change my...
  12. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    Thank you for sharing this. Really appreciate it.
  13. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [5th update] Good day, Last time I did mention will start using email marketing to help me get more sales and what I already did was: I used Mailchimp as my email marketing platform. Choose the standard plan that recommends by Mailchimp (starting at $14.99 per month, up to 100,000 contacts)...
  14. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [4th update] First, I want to thank those who DM me and share useful tips about the Facebook ads campaign. Based on my progress so far, I learned that: Social proof is important even on ads campaign. More responses are coming from ads with comments and likes. Also, I try other ads that...
  15. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [3rd update] Hi guys, Phew, it's been so long since my last update. It's a tough situation for me moreover during this pandemic. Can't believe I'm doing well so far. Today I want to update my progress of doing Facebook Ads. You still remember that I run a campaign for page likes, click to the...
  16. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    [2nd update] Hi, we meet again Today is my second update and I will share a plan that has in mind to help me achieve my goals. I have 4 plans in my mind to help me earn more, but still figure out what can I do best here. If you guys have any idea or suggestion, please and please share with me...
  17. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    @Graybeard With $1000 AppSally credit, I got a $200 clean profit from that:)
  18. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    Hey, I hope your day has been amazing. Have you ever wondered what it'd be like making $100k per month from passive income? The concept is simple, and everyone can do it. You can do it too! Only need to: Work both hard and smart Be disciplined Use the right tactics Rinse and repeat Actually...