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  1. Morticai

    New Domain Purchase

    Awesome, well good find! Since it's not deindexed, I'd still put the old posts backup so you don't lose the links it does have ;).
  2. Morticai

    New Domain Purchase

    This +1 taking old content and updating it, will in most cases get your rankings back quite quickly as well... Unless the domain was spammed to crap. To check if the site is deindexed just Google "domainname com" Just like that, include the space! If it's not listed in the first 2 pages of...
  3. Morticai

    JVZoo + Bing PPC Journey

    Let me know how you end up liking it. Haven't used that one yet.
  4. Morticai

    Starting from here and my goal is!!

    $4k is enough to get started, but just be sure to get a spy tool. That way you can see what your competitors are running.
  5. Morticai

    Journey to 1000$ per day! [Social Media]

    Looks like it didn't work as planned.
  6. Morticai

    newbie sweeps and apps journey

    Nice job @dishi! I recommend always split testing different offers, to help improve the longevity of your campaigns. Offers being shut down / quality issues, etc is just part of the game unfortunately.
  7. Morticai

    5K in second month

    Nice job @kenaki
  8. Morticai

    Slow Beginner Niche Site Attempt

    Hey @monkeymind my best advice with starting a Niche site is quality over quantity. Also, be sure to add some personality to your writing. No one wants to read generic articles these days. Having some character will definitely help you build a following.
  9. Morticai

    Mobile Journey - Going F**king GREEN

    Not to high-jack the thread, but thanks @krass. @Puppet Master Any updates man?
  10. Morticai

    Mobile Journey - Going F**king GREEN

    Good to hear it's helpful ;) I'm actually working on a free course. It takes me forever to write blog posts... video is easier :D
  11. Morticai

    Mobile Journey - Going F**king GREEN

    Since you don't give much detail about the offer... $4 testing budget is no where good enough to really give it enough time to produce some conversions. My best advice is really think about the type of offer you are promoting, if it's a gaming offer run it on gaming placements, music offer run...
  12. Morticai

    PPCNOOB's First Journey into Mobile CPA.

    Any update on this? Don't give up because this offer didn't work. To be honest with you 9 / 10 offers wont work unless you put in some serious optimizations. But when you finally find that winner it will pay for all your loses plus more!
  13. Morticai

    Game333's Clickbank Journey

    Awesome I'm excited to see how you do with clickbank!
  14. Morticai

    PPCNOOB's First Journey into Mobile CPA.

    Yeah I agree with @tyoussef, start with a lower payout easier to convert offer, such as a 1-click content billing flow or App install.
  15. Morticai

    Journey to 1000$ per day! [Social Media]

    Nice interested to see where this goes. Have you thought of collecting your own leads & then converting that traffic on the backend?
  16. Morticai

    My journey with my first CPA Campaign to make 10k a month.

    Do you have any prior marketing experience?
  17. Morticai

    US Email submit Journey [Need Help]

    What @ogads said. One thing I highly suggest is always split test 4-5 different angles. See which one your audience responds the best too and then split test different landing page styles.
  18. Morticai

    My First Mobile Campaign + Voluum Stats *Journey to 1k Days*

    One thing to take note of is, even ad position should be split tested. I've had campaigns where being the 3rd place bidder actually performed better than being first. Have you take a look at your competition to see which landing pages / offers they're running? That will give you a good...
  19. Morticai

    My Work Strategies & Goal

    Usually campaigns don't get approved during the weekend FYI. Patience is the name of the game, without it you will fail in this industry.
  20. Morticai

    My CPA journey with Facebook Ads

    One suggestion is bid a bit lower and then clone your campaign on your traffic source multiple times. Also be sure to clone your creative at least 5 times. More banners = more traffic with the same bid. A simple example of this would be 90% of the traffic is sent to the current winner while...