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  1. wpcycle

    How important is additional Wordpress security?

    Many great points above. Using https does not make a website immune to any form of issues. Many times those issues are within the website. So when people are blocking others from getting in...they're already inside and can do almost anything they want. Looking what was mention, one thing may...
  2. wpcycle

    Story about hosting . . .

    Good write up. Many do not realize these elements; 1. The big web hosts are only focused on profit and not quality 2. Because of #1, many servers are over-loaded, which brings down quality, and increases load times 3. Customers who use web hosts with SSD drives will see a drastic improvement in...
  3. wpcycle

    Super fast Wordpress hosting for $5/month

    cPanel depends on the end user. For instance, the 2GB you mentioned...with cPanel/WHM... 1GB is already lost. It accounts for cPanel/WHM, Apache, MySQL, DNS, Stats, Emails, and all the installed services that work in the background. The remaining 1GB is left over for WordPress. Now with...
  4. wpcycle

    Wordpress Security

    One plugin that was not mentioned is WordFence. It's a great plugin that will protect WordPress from attacks. It has the ability to scan for malware, and can compare your WordPress installing to the files on WordPress-dot-org. OS patches are usually left to the host. One thing with...