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  1. Pay Per Call Guru

    Pay Per Call Best Traffic Source

    Another great source is good old SEO.. here is a video i show results from just USING SEO to get free calls to pay pr call offers.. hope it inspires you to think outside of ads etc.. Sept/Oct/Nov 2016 - I SHOW PROFITS / CALL DATA / TRAFFIC (Google Analytics) Thanks Raj
  2. Pay Per Call Guru

    Pay Per Call Best Traffic Source

    Depends on the offer, and target audience.. but other have already mentioned good sources. Always think of where your target is , and go there. Even think outside the box, flyers, newspapers ads, classified still work. Again depends on the offer and target customer.
  3. Pay Per Call Guru

    Airpush click to call

    Airpush, like many banner networks on mobile get too many accidental clicks which you pay for, but never even finish dialing. This is why you pay for the click, but not get the call. Cause after you click the banner it loads the phone dial pad, with your # populated. The user has to manually...
  4. Pay Per Call Guru

    [Updated 2016] List Of Pay Per Call Affiliate Networks

    True Affiliate Walla only runs 3 offers (psychic offers - but they are dedicated to the largest psychic network globally - is who they supply calls to. I run them with great success. LOVE THEM! $100/payouts for a $10 purchase. Not bad..
  5. Pay Per Call Guru

    [Updated 2016] List Of Pay Per Call Affiliate Networks

    Great List!!!! Here are some others I would reccomend to add: - GoojiBear - NeverBlue - LeadsMarket - Affiliate Walla (only does Psychic Offers) - ShareASale ;)
  6. Pay Per Call Guru

    Landing page for Pay per call campaign

    I teach this in my course - but you do need a mobile optimized site (recommended) as well as others have said call-only ads only need the phone number to match the ad (they review this manually) by the way if you do have it matching and it gets rejected, just re-submit this happens to me all the...
  7. Pay Per Call Guru

    5 Pay Per Call Tricks For You

    nice post! As for the comment of pay per call being hard, its the one marketing channel i know that is not saturated unlike the CPA/CPC/LeadGen and others.. but yes you need to find the winning campaigns (just like with any other offer types). But your ROI is WAYYYY higher, and much more stable...
  8. Pay Per Call Guru

    Question about landing page, and campain

    Good luck in your pay per call journey. The call limit is because your new to the game. So they will review the calls to ensure the quality, after that they will open up the cap to none! They just want to make sure you are sending quality calls.
  9. Pay Per Call Guru

    Webinar Check out this Pay Per Call Webinar I did with RingPartner

    I have a Feb 2016 video on on the site, i am a little behind for the past months..but i will be making a video for April.. Just been focusing on helping people who have signed up the course kind of put my own exploration on hold.
  10. Pay Per Call Guru

    Webinar Check out this Pay Per Call Webinar I did with RingPartner

    Hi @kris79 1. ROI is tough due to your spending, but conversion is a better benchmark (if we are generally speaking) most of my students and myself would range from 20-60% conversion rates.. you will see some real examples in my videos on my site. 2. I havent used AdsBridge, but VOLUUM is...
  11. Pay Per Call Guru

    Webinar Check out this Pay Per Call Webinar I did with RingPartner

    hi guys I did this great webinar with RingPartner where I share some Tricks and Tips on how to be successful with Pay Per Call affiliate marketing. Something went corrupt with the video apparently - so they just uploaded the audio - still educational though.
  12. Pay Per Call Guru

    Ring Partner Application Denied

    Maybe it was your application - some affiliate dont write up a good story telling their experience or plans. So the network wont approve you.
  13. Pay Per Call Guru

    Favorite Pay Per Call

    i work with 9+ networks right now. And i would have to say my fav is RingPartner, as well Astoria and Mundo (they have awesome bonuses)
  14. Pay Per Call Guru

    5 Pay Per Call Practical Marketing Tips

    nice list! I would also put "build a solid relationship with your Account manager" this has helped me achieve the success i have today with pay per call affiliate marketing. They help you with campaigns, they give you access to offers sometimes not available to everyone (for testing) so you get...
  15. Pay Per Call Guru

    What is pay per call affiliate marketing

    Hey Arif, basically you get paid for driving calls to business. When they reach a certain duration of time on the call - you get paid! that it. No selling.. learn more about what pay per call is, and how to do it here: