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  1. K

    One-page Website Vs Blog Website

    I would like know between creating a one page website (squeeze page/opt-in-page) and a normal blogging website which one is more effective for a beginner. With regard to a one-page website - does SEO work for that type of website?
  2. K

    Buying Clicks

    Thanks one more time. What will your advise be regarding generating traffic to the site? lastly, from your standpoint, how effective is using Solo Ads as a strategy to go the get traffic?
  3. K

    Buying Clicks

    As I mention I watched of one the "Make Money Online" gurus ( not sure whether I am allowed to mention the name). Perhaps, I didn't understand him correctly - however he was talking about his formula - you create a one page website (opt -in page) and capture the visitors email addresses...
  4. K

    Buying Clicks

    for traffic.
  5. K

    Buying Clicks

    Hi There Can I get some advices about buying clicks - I just heard about the strategy now while I was watching one of the online marketing gurus (millionaires) I would like to know how effective is the strategy - is gonna hurt my site rankings on search engines. How does It work. I...
  6. K

    Getting Content By Outsourcing

    Lastly, someone introduced me to a software to use to rewrite the articles, software name is "article spinner" - if you know about it, could you please advise, how effective is the software - Pros and Cons.
  7. K

    Getting Content By Outsourcing

    Many Thanks. Any tips regarding paying a writer? What should I look at when I use an outsourced service - important things that I should do/consider to ensure that I receive best articles.
  8. K

    Getting Content By Outsourcing

    Hi There, I have been struggling to create a content for my website. Through my research I learned that there are number of strategies to create a content - I like using PLR and paying someone to write for me. However, I am having questions on how those strategies work and their...
  9. K

    Viral Marketing

    Hi There I am not sure if this post is relevant to this forum. I would like to know how effective is viral marketing. I am having this idea of creating an ebook and put affiliate links in. Please advise, will this idea work? How do I start a viral marketing campaign. Thanking you in...
  10. K

    Can the website be blocked by google for any reasons

    Hi there please advise, I would like to know whether a google can block an affiliate marketer's (promoter) or blogger's website for any reasons? If yes under what circumstances could one find himself under hot water to certain extent where his site is blocked.
  11. K

    Content For The Website

    That sounds great. I have read an article from the Internet and suggested that other ways for content creation is through ezinearticles. Do perhaps have an idea about ezinearticles? How does it work?
  12. K

    Content For The Website

    Lastly, could you advise me on this Idea for content creation. The intention was to get three different text books focusing on one subject - Marketing for instance - then pick a topic from these text books "Introduction to Marketing". Then read and analyse the topic/from these different source...
  13. K

    I Want To Help You Be A Better Affilaite

    I just developed a new passion for Digital/Internet marketing. Initially the idea was to learn about internet marketing and run digital marketing campaigns for small business/start ups. I was then introduced to an Online/Internet marketing business - then I decided to shift the focus and focus...
  14. K

    Content For The Website

    HI, I seem to be stuck with creating a content. I have a website, now the challenge is the content part. Could you perhaps suggest ways to get the content on my website. I tried copy and paste from Ezinearticle - basically what I did is I went to the website, search for an article/post that...
  15. K

    I Want To Help You Be A Better Affilaite

    HI, I seem to be stuck with creating a content. I have a website now the challenge is the content part. Could you perhaps suggest ways to get the content on my website.
  16. K

    Hello Everybody

    Hi, My name is Kenny, I am new in Online Business. I am still learning and willing to continue learning. I am interested in Affiliate Marketing - I have just created a website, it is up and running. However, the challenge I am currently facing, is a way forward. I am struggling to select a...