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  1. J

    How to get massive amounts of traffic to your site!

    I forgot to add this... but do not underestimate the power of social media. Set up your accounts, let your plugins auto post to your facebook page, twitter, stumbledupon, tumbler and more.... do not forget about Redditt. Another VERY EFFECTIVE tool is Redditt! Be careful how you post to...
  2. J

    How to get massive amounts of traffic to your site!

    I have been doing affiliate marketing for a while now, almost 2 years. I have learned more from my failures than anything else. I finally developed a niche, and it is doing very well for me by my standards. I am not into offering generic advice, and sugar coat things. I have not spent a dime...
  3. J

    Failed 2 times....3rd times a charm?

    Hey Scottfanello, you can PM me, and I can give you my email address. Just to give you all an idea of my first site, it was made in dreamweaver, and I used a good looking theme. I then categorized all of my affiliate links and loaded the pages with their logo banner. So in essence it was a...
  4. J

    Failed 2 times....3rd times a charm?

    Thanks Linda, I posted my story because I know there are thousands like me that just can not get over the hump. My wife was accepting of my affiliate marketing at first. This last time, she was done with it consuming so much time. I will tell you she was not so supportive this time, and let...
  5. J

    Failed 2 times....3rd times a charm?

    Like the title suggests, I consider myself a 3 time newbie. I have a somewhat long winded post here, but please bear with me. I started affiliate marketing about 1 1/2 years ago. I read a lot, did research, and began my journey. As I searched for guidance online, I found this forum. I...
  6. J

    Help Me....Help You

    Hey everyone, I am new here, I just posted on the "introduce you" page. I am looking for some help. I just overhauled my terrible affiliate site a couple of weeks ago. I have been doing pretty well since. I added a forum, not a competing type, but one to create traffic, lots of categories...
  7. J

    New Guy From St. Louis

    Hi, just wanted to stop in and say hello. I am new to this forum, and just looking to pick up tips, tricks of the trade, and such, to give my program a boost. I look forward to going through all of the information here. I live in St. Louis.... Love the Cardinals. Just started the affiliate...