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  1. S

    What is the difference between 'impressions and clicks'?

    Very helpful indeed! Thank you so much.
  2. S

    What is the difference between 'impressions and clicks'?

    I have Googled, Youtubed, and searched high and low for the definitions, but it sounds to me like impressions and clicks are the same thing, but my stats say otherwise...any ideas, thoughts, or direction would be appreciated. Thanks
  3. S

    Shareasale, Clickbank, Linkconnector, or who?

    Very helpful and informative Linda! Your reply has me feeling better educated, and more at ease. Thank you for taking of your time to respond. I truly appreciate it!
  4. S

    Shareasale, Clickbank, Linkconnector, or who?

    What is 'CJ'? My bottom line concern is the integrity of these sites. It seems some of them are less than 'honorable'. Another concern is ... what is to stop a merchant from under stating the amount of sales your generate...ect. I am probably blowing this out of porportion, but I just...
  5. S

    Shareasale, Clickbank, Linkconnector, or who?

    Hi everyone.... I am a new affilitate who has been working hard to get my site up and running, posted, and can potentially monetize now. But now I am faced with questions about which 'company'/'companies' to use.... Shareasale, Clickbank, and LinkConnector are the ones I am currently with, but...
  6. S

    Creating the subscriber list (to your blog)

    I appreciate your offer Russell, and can assure you that I will be taking you up on that as well, lol.
  7. S

    Niche forum participation?

    Thanks for the advice fellas. There are obviously differing opinions, but that is where growth comes from. Thank you very much!
  8. S

    Niche forum participation?

    Hi Minstrel, I absolutely understand the point you are making there. I completely respect you opinion, and like to think I am smart enough to 'empty my cup' when conversing with those who know what I wish to learn. I have yet to come across a business, a relationship, or anything else in life...
  9. S

    Creating the subscriber list (to your blog)

    Lol... the whole 'Sir' thing is a habit blasted into my mind from the Marine Corps. I hope you took no offense Russell. I want to, once again, thank you for the kindness you have showed in sharing your knowledge with me. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.
  10. S

    Creating the subscriber list (to your blog)

    Hello again Russell (and seriously, thank you for spending the time communicating this to me) So Mailchimp will allow me to both manage my subscriber mailings, and provide the needed 'opt in' for my visitors to sign up to my mailing list? Thank you Sir
  11. S

    Niche forum participation?

    Hi Minstrel, I fear that I somehow am communicating that I am a spammer, or scammer, by some of the replies I have gotten to my postings here. True, I want to monetize my site--and efforts, but I go into this with the intention of helping people with knowledge that I have that may help them...
  12. S

    Creating the subscriber list (to your blog)

    I may have failed to communicate my exact question--I appoligize if that is the case. I am wondering how to get a widget that actually prompts my visitors to join my mailing list. the actual 'sign up to receive this or that' and informs me that I have a new subscriber. Thanks again for your...
  13. S

    Feedback on my plan would be appreciated :)

    Hi Russell, Yes Sir, I have done my keyword search, and there is active purchasing in my niche. It is highly competitive, but that is acceptable (and desired) in my opinion. It is just a matter of doing it better than my competition--which will be pretty difficult to accomplish until I...
  14. S

    Niche forum participation?

    Hi AZJay! Very kind of you to post such an informative, and detailed reply. I should qualify the fact that I have limitless interest in my niche, but the learning of ALL the 'ins and outs' of Affiliate Marketing while writing my reserve content, learning about SEO, Backlinks, Blog design (I...
  15. S

    Are there any free auto-responders out there?

    MailChimp it is! Thanks everyone...5star is one heck of a helpful place for newbies that get lost at every turn! Thanks again fellas!
  16. S

    Creating the subscriber list (to your blog)

    I am about to start releasing content--in 7 days. I have spent a month compiling quality articles, and not battening down the hatches for my initial shock of realizing all the things I should have done, lol. My question is about possible widgets that will allow me to begin a subscriber...
  17. S

    Niche forum participation?

    Hello all, I have vaguely heard of people joining forums in their particular niche areas to promote potential backlinks, but this seems very tedious. In my niche (not affiliate marketing), I have visited many forums that state evidently clear, that you are not to promote links, or your...
  18. S

    How to get massive amounts of traffic to your site!

    Hi, ok... I understand how to track my clickbank traffic (from my site), but is there a low/no cost widget that can track the traffic to my site that does not route to affilitate sites I am promoting? I can see how I can track the effectiveness of the products I am promoting, but I am unsure...
  19. S

    Facebook page for my website.....

    thanks! Every segment is somewhat confusing. I imagine that is par for the course though. I'll learn as much as I can from this forum, listen for key words that I can research on youtube/Google, and do the best I can with what I have. With every mistake there is an opportunity to grow, and...
  20. S

    Are there any free auto-responders out there?

    thanks for the answers fellas I have found a few, but not totally sure what looks good; trail and error will be the format I will follow.