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  1. F

    SEO : Link EXchange Dangerous ?

    From what I saw on personal experience with my sites and site of my clients on reciprocal link building - under 100 links per week is more than safe. What is better. Links must be relevant. Links should better be on nice PR pages. Links should be on trusted resources. The last issue...
  2. F

    Google Checkout...this is unholy

    Stephen, I want to comment. My business partner in Sweden made a huge research on MLMs. You are partially right: 100% right when you say that a small portion of the whole downline makes huge money in MLMs (still, quite many people do decent money). But you are partially right when you say...
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    Google Checkout...this is unholy

    I think the biggest difference is that MLM can be good or bad. But MLM itself has nothing bad about it, otherwise USAToday would not focus a lot on Internet and MLM scheme. Plus I have heard that MLM is a new shcolar discipline that is lectured at some higher educational establishments in the...
  4. F

    Choosing windows or Linux server

    LINUX!!!!!! Have you ever thought why on Unix and Linux the satellites are launched into space? And other spacecrafts? And with Windows it is legeally prohibited to use this soft in the jobs where human life can depend upon the execution level of the software. I think it tells...
  5. F

    Get Listed in Yahoo Search

    100% agree with KLB. During the last 6 months I have never experienced sandbox. The worse case scenario was getting indexed by Google with 10 days. Latest experience - 2 days. Google sandbox is for those who don't like to use strategies favored by Google.
  6. F

    Easy AUTOMATIC Link Exchange Tool???

    Nice idea. And thanks for sharing. Is Google catching the java code on the page that offers, if yes - are Google guys ok with it? Have other members shared with you the experience? Any feedback will help a lot.
  7. F

    The updating of back-links indexed by Google

    Don't get surprised. Googles 'link:' shows only part of links. In reality Google sees more but just does not like to display. Check MSN, if MSN sees the backlinks, it's ok. But don't expect Google to show all links - they are picky.
  8. F

    Considerations before Hosting a web site

    I would also vote for more diskspace. If you plan to add content regularly and will run this business for years, your space must be ready to it. Because nice article directory with 7-10 categories around your niche very soon can deplete of space if you chose the cheapest solution possible...
  9. F

    What the... What happened to my information?

    Seems like your forum is a part of community. Try contacting them - maybe the tech problem that you experience is the same with other members.
  10. F

    SEO Discovery and Plan of attack.

    That is why most probably you will never link to them. Silly they made such a silly mistake. Yes, this is a real problem. Believe me, it is very hard to construct professional and effective search algo that finds you relevant partners. The automated searches that do simple keyword stuffing...
  11. F

    Is GOOGLE still working?

    Well, Google has problems. But they wanted to do the things better. They could not expect Big Daddy to comprise so many changes that now it is difficult to fit all them into one sound and simple picture. But I think they will cope up with it. They have no way out. Microsoft has holes and...
  12. F

    SEO Discovery and Plan of attack.

    Up to now have experienced nothing but help from the sitemaps (Google sitemaps) with over 6 months of actively using them. Big help with indexing. But sitemaps love if your site gets some fresh content on regular basis - they *love to see* the work on the site. 100% sure no good. Think of...
  13. F

    Google Checkout...this is unholy

    Some drawbacks. #1. US only. #2. Restrictions (most of them are ok, but some like "Subscriptions", "Travel packages and offers")
  14. F

    Is it possible?

    Yes. Sure it is possible. But you will have to do some job in terms of good marketing, content creation, onpage SEO and good links with proper anchor.
  15. F

    Google Sitemap

    And helps to get indexed quickly - 5-7 days. No need to whine about 'can't get out of sandbox for 2 months, Google is bad'
  16. F

    Web Site Content and How to Succeed with Article Marketing

    Web Site Content and How to Succeed with Article Marketing It is evident that whatever changes Google and other search engines make in future, still the game will be about quality web site content. Logically today we observe the increase of attention to web site content and everything that...
  17. F

    Content, traffic and monetization with article directory

    How to get content using articles grow targeted traffic and get more money with Google AdSense program. Today everybody is talking about good content and how important it is to have one on any site. Good, relevant content is so loved by search engines. Quality content is a powerful...
  18. F

    CP bug?

    Thanks for answering, Linda. The point is that as all other people I have a bulk of things to do. On your forum I come for a sip of fresh air of ideas, and to tell the truth I don't have everything in memory about the posts. I almost forgot one thread. If it wasn't about the reply to...
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    Content creation and traffic monetization tool

    I got the point. I am also against doorway pages. But if these are quality and relevant articles. I am for it. Plus as practise shows MSN and Yahoo are very nice in indexing these articles. And I am waiting for the google sandbox to gulp them faster. And Google AdSense is just a way to...
  20. F

    Content creation and traffic monetization tool

    Is it bad having an article directory where people can submit their articles to? Is it bad to have a tool that can help you to customize article directory to any design, create categories and subcategories, and submit the pages to rss feeds? Is it bad to have relevant articles on the web...