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  1. j666gak

    Please review my site

    Hello everybody, I have started a new social networking site using the Social Engine script, I have just installed a basic theme for the moment and then when there are more users and money I will update the design. I suppose I would like to know what you think of the site now and any...
  2. j666gak

    Functionality - my site.

    as it is a work in progress can't say too much, but as per previous comment the graphics and shade of pink used are really good
  3. j666gak

    Debt Consolidation website, i would love your feedback!

    this is a nice clean site, with a brilliant layout! Great job
  4. j666gak

    what do you think?

    Hi, I have had a look at your site and think its a good idea for a sports dating website. I like everything with your site, a part from the image of the two runners I would use a different image. Good job though
  5. j666gak

    Guys, please review

    great site! looks very professional, good layout and navigation. I think users would be impressed with this site
  6. j666gak

    Please Review My Portfolio Site...

    I really like this site, great graphics, navigation and layout. Credit to you
  7. j666gak

    Need a Review for

    I think that it does the job, but doesn't stand out