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  • Users: Leadken
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Leadken

    CPVlab V3 is slower than V2?

    Has anyone else noticed the link redirect is slower in V3 when compared to V2.18? Around 50-80ms difference. I used Pingdom to do the benchmark.
  2. Leadken

    Let's meet for a casual drink in Berlin

    Hi all, I'm a CPA affiliate and will going to Berlin for AWE. If anyone wants to meet up for drinks prior to the show, feel free to reply below or pm me. Happy to share what I learnt over the past year or so. Will be in Berlin from 16th to 20th. No CPA network reps please, only affiliates...
  3. Leadken

    Pop in Tab Networks

    Hi all, Apart from 50onRed which other networks have their pops open up in the browser tabs rather than a new window?
  4. Leadken

    Hello from London

    Hi guys, I've been doing cpa marketing for about a year now, looking forward to learn more from you guys and to share. Anyone based in London here? I'm always up for meeting other local affiliates! Ken