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  1. surreypcsupport

    This Forum And Spam

    Problem appears to have got even worse. I'm giving up posting on this site now because of this.
  2. surreypcsupport

    This Forum And Spam

    I just flicked through unread posts since my last visit. It seems 90% of the threads are the same posts over and over again in numerous sections and most of them are cvv related spam. Could we minimise the number of sections on this forum to reduce the amount of duplicate threads and maybe...
  3. surreypcsupport

    What strategies can be more useful for increase site PR except back links and quality

    You're right I don't need to read up on PR. I am far more careful about how I spend my time.
  4. surreypcsupport

    What strategies can be more useful for increase site PR except back links and quality

    I fully understand that different links have different strengths depnding on topical proximity, the strength of the page the link sits, the number of other links on it etc etc but I still don't see how my twitter page is PR5.
  5. surreypcsupport

    Problem to run Google on browser

    What browser are you using? Try starting the browser with no add ons. If the same thing happens restart the machine in safe mode with networking and try again. Let us know the result.
  6. surreypcsupport

    What strategies can be more useful for increase site PR except back links and quality

    Only 130 odd followers. I see many other twitter pages with thousands more followers but still only PR5. I've also seen pages with about the same number of followers as me but still with PR0.
  7. surreypcsupport

    Suggestions for new PC

    Interesting you feel Dell parts are expensive. Hard drives are the same as any other machine and usually western digital. Most machines have either WD, Seagate or Hitachi HDDs. Same situation with memory, boards, graphics cards - all machines use components from a limited number of...
  8. surreypcsupport

    What strategies can be more useful for increase site PR except back links and quality

    I was under the impression that PR is primarily determined by the number of backlinks. But how do you explain my twitter page which is PR5 and I have never added any quality backlinks to it?
  9. surreypcsupport

    I need help with my php rss parser script

    Can you not just edit the scripts to add an <a tag in for the hyperlinks?
  10. surreypcsupport

    What is Domain age ?

    They call it domain age but it really refers to the date the site was first indexed. This is simply because there are millions of domains registered that do not have any content.
  11. surreypcsupport

    What is difference between dynamic & static website ?

    No. Dynamic is a word that describes something that changes its state. Static describes things that do not change state.
  12. surreypcsupport

    Meta Tags are they still Alive

    Fair enough - nice one for carrying out some primary research and your conclusions seem perfectly reasonable - I stand corrected. The benefits I have seen must be from CTR from SERPs being improved by good descriptions.
  13. surreypcsupport

    Are you on Twitter?

    gentlefoot 'ere.
  14. surreypcsupport

    PR or Keyword ranking?

    PR does not affect SERPs. PR is a rating of a page. SERPs are relevant results based on a particular keyword/s search. Yes, a high PR usually means lots of backlinks (but not always), which may increase SERPs positions for certain keyword/s searches but it is the backlinks improving the SERPs...
  15. surreypcsupport

    PHP or HTML ?

    lol - PHP produces html. html is the language of the internet. To say html is not good is laughable.
  16. surreypcsupport

    Meta Tags are they still Alive

    I disagree. Google looks at the keyphrases in the description meta tag just as it does for page title and content. Therefore meta description does affect SERPs positions.
  17. surreypcsupport

    What is Domain age ?

    I totally agree with that statement.
  18. surreypcsupport

    Should I upgrade my company PCs to Win 7?

    I am currently in the process of upgrading a company with 15 machines and a server to W7. Server will stay on Windows Server 2003. 6 machines done of varying ages. No problems as yet.
  19. surreypcsupport

    How do you dertermine the price of a website

    Why revenue? - then you are ignoring costs. Surely that is misguided.
  20. surreypcsupport

    How to find popular keywords for Adword?

    Or to be more accutare the keywords/phrases with the largest ratio of searches to competition. No point in choosing keywords with huge volumes if the competition is such that you have no chance of getting on page 1.