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  1. Bloody Tourist

    Free Download: 120+ Landing Pages

    No, I'm retired now. Just coke and hookers from now on.
  2. Bloody Tourist

    Why I stopped putting ads on my blogs (and what I do instead)

    Hey Fixers, Let me give something back to the community by explaining why I stopped putting ads on my blogs and what I do instead. Ads suck Let’s be honest here. Ads can be very annoying. They’re not only intrusive but in most cases they slow down your blog, because of all the external crap...
  3. Bloody Tourist

    Ask Me Anything [GUIDE - $100k In Profit] Make Money With Adsense Using Pinterest

    Nice guide and clever plugin! But why would you use adsense and not a cpa offer?
  4. Bloody Tourist

    Free Download: 120+ Landing Pages

    The things i do for you leechers!!! :) Here you go: HTML Templates.rar
  5. Bloody Tourist

    How to make money giving away free websites

    Wasn't there a Clickbank product that did exactly this back in the day? Anyway this method should still work but the trick (as usual) is to get clients. And instead of WP you should try a (drag & drop) HTML builder for production. Nothing to install Develop locally and upload through FTP No...
  6. Bloody Tourist

    How to make money with Chaturbate.

    Ah yes the old e-whoring technique, the lowest of the lowest of cpa tactics. Good to see it's still alive.
  7. Bloody Tourist

    Cloaking is it necessary or not?

    Yeah, I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. You should do your own research and find a good service yourself. If you have trouble finding a service like this, you're probably not ready to cross over to the dark side yet. :)
  8. Bloody Tourist

    Free Download: 120+ Landing Pages

    Looks like they went out of business and Zippy took the compiled file down. Let me see if I can find them somewhere on my HD. If I can I'll reupload. Funny that this thread hasn't had a comment for 8 months, but as soon as the links go down... Damn you fucking leechers! :)
  9. Bloody Tourist

    Cloaking is it necessary or not?

    No, this is very blackhat and this is a public forum. Who knows who's reading this. Do a Google search and you'll find plenty of services. If you're already having trouble even FINDING this stuff for yourself, I would definitely not recommend using services like this at all.
  10. Bloody Tourist

    [Guide] How To Become An Email Rockstar Without Your Own List

    I created this guide 2 years ago and the last post is 1 year old. Since then I've moved on from sending emails to media buying. I still have a couple of lists in different verticals, but I only use them to test certain offers. Maybe other members can help you out with this.
  11. Bloody Tourist

    Cloaking is it necessary or not?

    Dude you can get banned just as easy when you're not direct linking. Heck I've had FB accounts banned for farting in my own house! So fuck Facebook. I've been using an account renting service from some Romanian guys. Works like a charm. My advise would be to stay away from affiliate marketing...
  12. Bloody Tourist

    [Newbie Guide] How To Pick An Offer

    I'm not saying it's the golden key to success, but it certainly helps newbies to see what's working and build from there. I agree that it's a skill to identify good offers and I feel seeing what's working in the real world speeds up that learning process. It sure helped me when I was starting...
  13. Bloody Tourist

    [Newbie Guide] How To Pick An Offer

    Yeah same here. Just use a spytool to find out which offers are killing it. Saves time and money. Even if you can afford just one month if you're starting out. Look at it as an investment. You can see EXACTLY what's working now, download landers, etc. Buy one month, start launching and see if...
  14. Bloody Tourist

    Tutorial. Why it is important to have a fast website

    Why would you pick one server in a central location, when you can have servers on every continent you run for just $5 each?
  15. Bloody Tourist

    Tutorial. Why it is important to have a fast website

    WP is nice if you want to write content and rank in Google but you should NEVER use it to create landers for paid traffic campaigns. Is way to slow even if you optimize the hell out of it. You should create lightweight landers in html/php and host them on a fast (VPS) server in the geo that...
  16. Bloody Tourist

    Nutra offers rock!

    Don't run these on FB unless you're cloaking. FB doesn't accept fake article landers. If you're not cloaking go with native ads. @Anastasia AdCombo thanks for sharing. Your COD offers are awesome! :)
  17. Bloody Tourist

    type of targeting can you do with ppv Campaigns

    Some nice tips bro. Which PPV network would you recommend?
  18. Bloody Tourist

    8 secrets how to EARN with financial traffic

    It depends a bit on the angle, but I've had great succes with native and pops. Keep in mind that both of these need completely different style of landers/funnels.
  19. Bloody Tourist

    8 secrets how to EARN with financial traffic

    I've been running binary offers for years and I have to completely disagree with points 3, 6 and 7. The rest is true for all CPA offers, not just financial.
  20. Bloody Tourist

    [FREE DOWNLOAD] Heart Of Vegas Landing Page

    Haven't shared stuff in a while and came across this lander when I was doing some cleaning on my cloud server. I used this in a content locker campaign a couple of months ago. The app is still pretty popular, so you should still be able to use it. Or modify it to something else. Just change...