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  1. Ben jones

    Wordpress' closest rival?

    I think Joomla or drupal is their most common rivals and they're basically the same in terms of functionality. I still think WordPress has more features for the website with all the plugins and themes. Still all great though.
  2. Ben jones

    Quality vs Quantity

    I agree with what Marc says above. Go with whats working. Why change if youre making money.
  3. Ben jones

    Is CPA Marketing easier for newbies than Affiliate Marketing?

    I think CPA marketing is good but like someone said above you do need abit of money to go that route . Find yourself a good offer and work on that
  4. Ben jones

    Whats the most effective strategy for traffic

    What is your most effective way for driving free traffic to your site. it must be traffic what is targeted.
  5. Ben jones

    Best traffic?

    Social traffic definitely agree with that to begin with. When you have the budget move to paid
  6. Ben jones

    Why So Many skype accounts are haked these days?????

    luckily for me I have never had this and never even knew about it. thanks
  7. Ben jones

    Search Engine Or Social Networks

    They both have there points . Social media drives more traffic where search engine drives more targeted traffic
  8. Ben jones

    How did you get into affiliate marketing and why?

    When I was a teenager and wanted to make some extra money for the weekend. I started making a bit here and there online. I then learnt more money making methods and went from there
  9. Ben jones

    which affiliate network made most money for you ?

    I had some good success with Amazon associates . Selling the higher priced items isn't too bad if you can do it
  10. Ben jones

    which affiliate network made most money for you ?

    I had some good success with Amazon associates . Selling the higher priced items isn't too bad if you can do it
  11. Ben jones

    What was the largest amount of money you lost?

    Since starting to begin with I got into abit of debt to begin my business venture . Around £4000 . Lessons learnt and back on track
  12. Ben jones

    AliExpress affiliate program

    I have spoke to a few members who use an aliexpress affiliate program and bring in a good amount of success. Ive never used them personally but heard good things
  13. Ben jones

    Matched betting

    Market to the right customers and present it in a way that gets a better ctr
  14. Ben jones

    What`s your biggest succes?

    E-Commerce was successful once I learnt the ins and outs of it
  15. Ben jones

    How To Choose A Product To Promote?

    My best success was when I looked at the demographics of the site. I could trailer my posts for better ctr
  16. Ben jones

    I want to start affiliate marketing again. Tips

    Hello I really want to start earning from affiliates again. From scratch and it has been a while. Please give me your best tips to do so. Anything would be appreciated
  17. Ben jones

    What is the best affiliate program which has brought the most success

    Hello all Im really interested to find out whichaffiliate program has brought you the most success. I have used numerous affiliate programs and the one i found most successful has got to be amazon affiliate. I know the comission is small but there is potential if you can market the high end...
  18. Ben jones

    Best Google Adsense Alternatives?

    Infolinks is a good one
  19. Ben jones

    How long did you take to reached your first ever conversion?

    When I first started it took me a few months before I got my traffic to the stage where it was making money.