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  1. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Ok, so just a quick update! I ran some more traffic and today it looks like I'm in the red but one lead. The weird thing though is, that on my tracker it shows that my leads are coming from other countries which are way off from the country they are suppose to be coming from, but my tracking...
  2. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Guess what time it is? It's Updating Time! I know it's been a minute since I updated this and thought I would fill ya'll in on whats been going on. As you know, based on my last few post: 1). I sent a ton of traffic (targeted by the way) to some offers and didn't get one conversion, needless...
  3. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Well, I was able to get some conversions, but it seems like my account was drained pretty quick, even though I would create a daily budget. StartApp is a good company, don't get me wrong, they send traffic. Me personally I've found better success with running offers on companies like...
  4. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Alright, so I just took a huge step and decided to buy the Mobile Ad Scout. I figured I can try it for at least the month and see where it takes me. I'm crossing my fingers that it's into the green!
  5. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    I only learned from the best ;) Problem is, it appears that my one traffic source that I'm using is the culprit of the no conversions thing. I was able to speak with my AM and she let me know that the offers that I was running are converting, so that only leaves one thing is could be...the...
  6. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Whats up guys! So, I've been trying my luck at desktop email submits. I created some landing pages and I've been getting some HIGH CTR %. I actually find myself stuck, here's what I mean: As you can see from the screenshot, I'm averaging about a 75% CTR from my lander to my email submit...
  7. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Honestly, I'm still trying to get the hang of things myself. The biggest advice that I can give, which I've been told by others, is to pick one traffic source and stick with it, master it by learning how it works and make money off it. I would highly recommend checking up on some threads by...
  8. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Thanks for featuring me in the newsletter!
  9. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Short Update! So, the reason I haven't updated is because I made some changes to the campaign, which put it back to pending status with my traffic source. In the meantime, I created another campaign that I'm currently waiting to get approved on! Based on my experience, I definitely have to say...
  10. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    @Ezbren Thanks for the words of encouragement! I am actually using the domain that AdsBridge supplies you with. For me, it makes it easier, getting started, simply people it's free to use and it's one less thing that you have to worry about purchasing.
  11. timethiaw

    My personal journey as affliate marketer (diary)

    Just read up on your thread and like everyone has said, it's inspiring! Keep up the hard work :)
  12. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included) from not making anything at all to reaching a 160% ROI day. I know that there is still much to learn and I'm only getting started! Goals: *Gather more data *Create more landers, probably 2 *Create another campaign and split test countries with more traffic, using the same landing page...
  13. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Whats up everybody! March 18, 2015 Update So I woke yesterday morning to find this from my tracking network: Impressions: 1485 Clicks: 68 Unique Clicks to my offer Leads: 1 Spent: 1.85 Earned: $1.80 Profit: -$0.05 ROI: -2.49% I was super close to breaking even yesterday, but what happened...
  14. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    ...I mean simple) landing page and a mistake made. I honestly, wasn't even expecting to make anything from this. Let's see how today goes! Goals: *Create 2 more variations of my landing page. I might even throw in some sound ;) *Keep this updated as I go. *Stop making so many rookie mistakes...
  15. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating this thread, but I've just been trying to get profitable. I haven't managed to find the right combination of offer-landing page- $$ yet. I've mostly been reading and talking with others who are where I want to be to try and get some input on what I can...
  16. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Sure! This happened last Friday. I setup a campaign with a $15 daily budget and a $30 total budget. That very same night the campaign ended up going way over my budget to $80 and somehow my budget ended up getting set to unlimited, which you can understand, confused the heck outta me lol I...
  17. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    Just a quick update: My traffic source has corrected the problem I was having.
  18. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    @shreedharcva Thanks for the input! I believe you fully especially with the click fraud. That's the issue that I'm currently facing right now with them.
  19. timethiaw

    My Journey to $200 Per Day (Screenshots included)

    ...clicks. I know that this was a CPI offer, so some people might have opened the app yet, so fingers crossed they do soon :) Goals for next update: *Optimize the hell using ALL the data that I have *Get my traffic source squared away *Hopefully get into some profits Until then, peace and...