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Search results for query: clickbank

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  1. K

    FB ads + Clickbank = ZERO conversions

    I tested 3 products on Clickbank through Facebook ads and here is what happened Tested lookalike audiences from vendors ad > LP >Offer VSL all metrics on FB were good CTR was above 10% CPC was around $0.30 LP CTR was around 60% Product 1 Hops: 219 Order form impressions: 2 Sales: 0 Product...
  2. O

    Is it possible to direct link to a Clickbank offer using Facebook Ads?

    ...internet for this answer but all of the answers that have come up are from 5 years ago. Is it possible to run Facebook Ads directly to a Clickbank affiliate offer with no landing page in 2024? Are affiliate links allowed in Facebook ads? For instance, Custom Keto Diet has a Facebook...
  3. P

    Seeking Help want to learn clickbank affiliate with fb ads i need full guidence

    Hello friends I'm new here as affiliator can you please help me. My queries are - 1 - I know how to make landing page but i dont know what kind of content I can put in landing page for Example - if I promote a Product like Exipure can I use Exipure name in my landing page or information that...
  4. azgold

    Seeking Help A request for an offer! (ASTROLOGY)

    Do you have a ClickBank account? If so, they have an offer called Astrology TV: 10 Best Spirituality Affiliate Programs on ClickBank in 2024 - ClickBank I no longer keep a ClickBank account, so I can't check for you but I wouldn't be surprised if they have others. Click the picture, I've...
  5. cannydrifters

    Looking to give Amazon Associates another try

    Thanks for the replies. Yep, I'm using bitly for my clickbank affiliate links, but was using my amazon affiliate links (with my tracking id) supplied by amazon for their products. So that is one issue. The other is, that I review and promote gambling/betting products, mainly through...
  6. Suyash_trackx

    who gives the Best Affiliate Marketing Platforms ??

    There are some best platforms out there for affiliate marketing like (ClickBank, ShareASale, Amazon Affiliates)
  7. Mo Shafik

    ClickMeter - ClickBank

    How can I add a ClickMeter S2S link to ClickBank?
  8. Habibul


    My clickbank account is disable after 10 months. I have lost $140. How can I get back my account?
  9. B

    Technical Help for ClickBank Postback staff know nothing about programming... (Having bad experience asking them how to deal with the following case) From this page: ClickBank Instant Notifcation Testing Tool You can see that,{clickid} The {clickid} should be append to my...
  10. D

    About Clickbank

    What is the best affiliate marketing platform?
  11. CMMan

    Why I am not pumped

    Thanks for taking the time, @T J Tutor. Here's a quick clarification: I am a part of Impact Radius and Clickbank. AppSumo is a brand/Offer owner listed on Impact Radius and I get paid through Impact. Edit: I just read your other post and you mentioned CJ, Clickbank are not affiliate networks...
  12. thelegend

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome in here and good luck I am also an affiliate marketar and i use the content marketing strategy using clickbank products What about you ? What strategy do you use ? Thanks
  13. AffiliateGal

    Am I ready to Start?

    I am very tired of my industry and product, so narrowing down on something different but close enough that I have relevant insights. You don’t like Clickbank? Would you mind sharing why?
  14. Graybeard

    Am I ready to Start?

    From my experience with ClickBank --you are not missing out on much ... Selling in what area? Product segment and GEO? I would try to find a similar affiliate connection if you can.
  15. Graybeard

    Seeking Help How to promote affiliate offers without your own landing page

    Clickbank is fine for that --their offers are not gold plated :D They got lots of them ...
  16. wymiatacz

    Seeking Help A request for an offer! (ASTROLOGY)

    I registered on this site. Indeed, there are plenty of astrological offers, but almost all of them are in English. I'm starting to lose faith that I will be able to find a suitable offer
  17. CPV Lab Pro

    Guide on how to setup and track ClickBank with CPV Lab Pro

    I know many of you are using ClickBank for your campaigns, that is why we have a new video guide ready to help you out. The guide offers details on how to setup ClickBank (as you know, it needs some special settings) and how to create the campaign in CPV Lab by using ClickBank offers. The...
  18. I

    Seeking Help Can I use Pinterest conversion ads to promote ClickBank products?

    Hey there, I hope everyone is doing okay. I want to try to promote ClickBank products with Pinterest ads. I have a couple of questions that I can't find definite answer to anywhere. First, am I allowed to link the ads directly to my hoplink? People say yes, but they also say that redirects...
  19. thelegend

    Affiliate marketing with famous brands

    My friend you are funny with your post by promoting grocery stores on cklickbank ,this made my day .No ofense Well firstly clickbank its mainly on digital products that you can acces them on computer like : pdfs ,software ,online courses etc The only things that are psichical are the...
  20. Graybeard

    Seeking Help How to promote affiliate offers without your own landing page

    Then don't refer unfiltered traffic direct. What type of ads specifically?