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  1. JustinHarrison

    ClickBank Merchants & Affiliate?s ? READ THIS!

    Hi Guys, If you are a ClickBank Merchant or Affiliate you will definitely want to know about this: ? Are you currently experiencing less than spectacular results as a ClickBank merchant or affiliate? ? Are you spending more money on advertising each month, and making less in return? ...
  2. JustinHarrison

    ClickBank Report ? input needed?

    Thanks Linda, Just as a matter of interest, why don?t you deal with CB?
  3. JustinHarrison

    ClickBank Report ? input needed?

    Hey Everyone, I have been toying with a new idea, and I would very much appreciate your feedback. Over the past couple of months I have been working extremely hard on some conversion and ClickBank integration tactics to drive up my sales conversions. I have basically assembled 6...
  4. JustinHarrison


    Hi Teli, My bad :) ?. yes I am referring to plug-in?s. I develop allot in Joomla (ex mambo) and hence the confusion reffering to modules. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fahren... As a matter of interest what kind of content do you want to import, and where are you looking at getting your...
  5. JustinHarrison


    It would be interesting to actually measure the traffic generated as a result of this single medium, additionally the business model certainly appears to have a reasonable limitations. As the cost per link rises, it will be ?interesting? to watch the automatic cap that comes into play. At 0.1...
  6. JustinHarrison

    Do you mask/hide your affiliate links?

    I have a number of different click trackers the most common one I use (which is really basic) is called CT track and runs off a simple MySQL database and PHP. So let?s say my affiliate link is: Once I put this link into my click tracker, the...
  7. JustinHarrison


    I don?t mean to come across as pessimistic, but this idea has been done in different ways a zillion times over. Following on from the Million Dollar Home page success, it seems many clones are eager to reproduce the success online. To be quite frank, I don?t see the product advantage in real...
  8. JustinHarrison

    Do you mask/hide your affiliate links?

    I kill two birds with one stone?. ;) I cloak my affiliate links by creating a click tracker for each affiliate link, this way not only do I protect my affiliate commissions, but I also have a way to track the effectiveness of my links?
  9. JustinHarrison


    When you say you have ?decided to dive into Wordpress and data feeds? what exactly are you referring to? (Inbound / outbound / RSS ) As a side note: Wordpress is a great tool and I use it for all my Blogs, certainly the easiest to template and there are loads to tutorials on the net (if...
  10. JustinHarrison

    Building New Affiliate Sites - Don't Put Cart Before Horse

    I just recently wrote an article entitled Affiliate Marketing 101 and actually referred to Rosland?s e-Book - the super affiliate handbook in the article I think we all tend to over think affiliate marketing sometimes, and very often we tend to complicate our roles as affiliates. This...
  11. JustinHarrison

    I am confused beginner..

    There are many programs and services out there that promise you an endless supply of traffic, some of them affordable and some of them not so affordable. The real truth behind any traffic system that works is one that consistently delivers traffic that is interested in your product or...
  12. JustinHarrison

    How You Can Explode Your Affiliate Sales with Your Home Business Blog

    Great Article? many thanks Kevin Also I think it is important to note that quality of content is more important that quantity. And with the Internet being trucked full of automated Blog garbage this has never been more relevant. Additionally visitors may want to check out an article I...
  13. JustinHarrison

    Real-time online analytics tool for webmasters and bloggers

    Thanks for the link, good free analytics programs are hard to come by and there is a huge gap between free and commercial systems. I currently use Trace Watch - and I have been very pleased with the result so far. It might also be worth noting that you can use...
  14. JustinHarrison

    Need Advertising Experience!

    I would say that the best advice I can give is not to get too caught up in the hype of the Google cash system and to keep a close eye on your ROI. Additionally I would take pre-selling to heart and provide a webpage on your own site with a product ?review? of the product you intend on...
  15. JustinHarrison

    Cool Seo Site.....what Do U Think???

    OK here are my honest thoughts: Pro?s: ? I think the site in itself is very neat (the layout) ? Seems to have pretty good ?basic SEO in place? ? Generally provides a good feel to visitors ? The offering is communicated well Con?s: ? I would say the product lacks genuine originality...
  16. JustinHarrison

    Problem with Click Bank

    It seems your thinking is the wrong way round? so let?s start at the beginning. ? What have you done to promote these products? ? Have built a list and if so are the products you promoting relevant to their interests? ? What is your current marketing plan? ? What kind of sales pitch are...
  17. JustinHarrison

    Whats the best affilate programe?

    Not sure if this is a rhetorical question or indented to create a debate? * The best affiliate program is always the one that has the best products relative to your target audience. * The best affiliate network is the one that has the most diverse products for your target audience...
  18. JustinHarrison

    Any info abt PayDotCom

    Hi Andrew As mentioned in the report / article, we tested conversions across 5 websites with 5 different products ranging from downloadable software / info products to physical goods that required shipping. Additionally the demographics are not an issue since all 5 sites sell worldwide...
  19. JustinHarrison

    Any info abt PayDotCom

    Update Regarding PayDotCom Hi Guys, I just wanted to post this update regarding PayDotCom as I am sure many of you currently using or thinking about using them might find this article valauble.. 5 Reasons Why we No longer Use PayDotCom
  20. JustinHarrison

    If You HAD to Start Over - What would you do Different???

    The top 20 odd things I would do differently, if I had to start over again. 1. Buy into fewer “How To courses” – rather than relying on impulse and being lured in by overstated sales copies I would spend less time reading and more time doing. 2. Never outsource the development of my site. 3...