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  1. R

    Does anyone know good script which I can make website like

    Wouldnt be hard at all, but also not worth the effort as the new owners cant be bothered to work on the place apart from the occasional appearance once every couple of months.
  2. R

    Does anyone know good script which I can make website like

    Site is nothing to do with me no, Look at the google link in my previous post, plus the fact you can see that its a copy paste post by the different font, Its very rare that people use a different font unless its promotional rubbish. You'll find that 90% of the posts here are spam , the...
  3. R

    Does anyone know good script which I can make website like

    Neither will lazy spammy posts. Its hardly brain science to type "deviantart clone" in to a search engine. Its also not hard to see that the OP is a spammer : Google
  4. R

    Does anyone know good script which I can make website like

    By using a cool little tool called Google :S
  5. R

    Does anyone know good script which I can make website like

    Deviant Art Clone Script :: The web's only available DeviantArt clone.
  6. R

    What on Earth is happening with Google not showing new articles on blog

    I would say definitely, but its an option so its best to do what you can to focus on the pages that do matter and cut down on bloat . Generally you dont need all the short links and RSS link meta data so you can disable those, No index archives and author archives as they show basically the...
  7. R

    What on Earth is happening with Google not showing new articles on blog

    The page is indexed although you do have alot of code clutter on the page, My recommendations should be get rid of "All in one SEO pack" its past its sell by date and install Yoasts SEO plugin which comes with a sitemap generator also so you can remove bulky plugins that also do the same...
  8. R

    What on Earth is happening with Google not showing new articles on blog

    Could you post the link so i could take a look ? could be a canonical issue or incorrect setup of an SEO plugin too.
  9. R

    Hello UWW Community

    Welcome to UKWW mate, enjoy
  10. R

    Does anyone know if google had just changed

    Google have many datacenters yes but all the local ones will be in sync , what you need to look at is what have you changed recently , have you been penalised for some reason, have you lost some of the authority backlinks you had before , have the authority backlinks you have been penalised and...
  11. R

    Thinking to leave this Forum ?

    On a side note while ive got you here neil you might want to install : PS - Delete All Visitor Messages Every 30 Days - Forum It will delete all visitor messages that have been spammed , normally i disable the cron job and just run the job when i need them deleted , Does the trick.
  12. R

    Thinking to leave this Forum ?

    I know that feeling, i thought id have sell 5 or 6 of mine a month ago but things have calmed down a little to give me some breathing space. Good to see this place not going to waste though.
  13. R

    Thinking to leave this Forum ?

    Good to hear neil, And good luck with the old ball and chain ;)
  14. R

    Thinking to leave this Forum ?

    Webmaster world has become very successful with out signature links , however there is a wealth of information and members which are extremely knowledgeable which provide a fantastic basis of a no advertising forum , however this place no longer has the loyal member ship it once did a year or 18...
  15. R

    Thinking to leave this Forum ?

    You came a day after it had been cleaned up bud, it was a total mess, over 400 Sell CCV spam messages being posted with in only a couple of hours , the site must have been getting about 2000 new posts a day all of which were spam. Neil cleaned it up which lasted a whole day and now the spam is...
  16. R

    How to start a forum?

    Buy some hosting and domain name , choose the forum script you want to use ( i recommend vbulletin ) , the if you like get a designer and create your own sections , Once thats done market the site and encourage people to come and post:botles:
  17. R


    If you cant see another 400 spam posts in the last 4 hours then you must be blind , this forum is total waste of space. Ive now contacted the owners and offered to clean it up or even buy the place but no replies to any messages. Shame , real shame
  18. R

    I have Quality Forum posting service $.20 per post

    vBskinstudio offer some great forum posting services not only for the UK but for forums across the globe , Built up from a team of UK based forum posters we cover a massive knowledge base, If we do not know about the subject in question intensive research will be done to ensure all posts are...
  19. R


    Really ? where ? :applause:
  20. R

    Google PR update

    Nope no changes across any of our sites yet , there was an internal page update and penalised site update at the start of the month. I doubt the big one will be until maybe next month or maybe even longer