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Search results for query: zip submits

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  1. Graybeard

    Seeking Help Please help me analyze at which stage I encountered a problem and how to proceed. Thank you!

    A. CTR to LP; (5+10)/2 = 7.5 B. LP CTR to Offer ; 1/7.5 =~0.1333 C. Conversion Gross Click from ads at the offer; 1/100 = 0.01 D. CPM of ads(0.5+1)/2 = 0.75 1. Your popunder rate seems reasonable --You actual engagement rate on your popunder page is low I just happen to be doing a popunder...
  2. Micheal

    Follow Along [Push Ads] Propeller Ads + Maxbounty

    There are few things i consider which work on Push ads. 1. Real Human traffic - from any network. I founded myself lot of bad traffic in Propellerads and i kept blocking those zones. 2. Correct age audience - Credit Report works above age 25+ and recommendation is 35+ 3. Offer which usable to...
  3. Honeybadger

    Smartphone Affiliate Journey 2021

    I have decided to arrange the different type of affiliate marketing options first by model rather than traffic source, industry or device type - all of which will be covered later in this thread Oliver Kenyon's 2015 wiki entry lists the following affiliate marketing offer models which I have...
  4. Affmine

    Affmine - Affiliate Network

    ...offers for your users and generate leads like never before. Key benefits: high-converting offers such as Adult Dating, E-mail Submits, Zip Submits, Surveys, Quizes, etc., incentive and non-incentive, with worldwide coverage; different tools such as for any kind of integration; adaptability...
  5. T J Tutor

    Why not just use Amazon Associates?

    ...It's just one means to make an affiliate sale. Affiliate networks provide many forms of offers to promote. Some companies wants zip submits, or an email and name, or a credit card submit, trial signups, or an actual product sale, etc. Affiliate programs are offers from specific companies...
  6. CrushALot

    Looking for NATIVE TRAFFIC recommendation?

    Hi Everyone: I'm a novice trying to learn affiliate marketing by running direct link Zip Submits and SOI ads focused solely on Employment & Education offers from MaxBounty & Peerfly. Unfortunately, TABOOLA shut me down after 3 months on the grounds that I was violating their policy which I...
  7. John aka

    Struggle to find right traffic

    Thank you a lot TJ for your amazing tips I already read a lot before take action, Now I just wait until I collect good capital to restart again. Thank you a lot and this forum help me a lot I happy to be here around successful peoples.
  8. T J Tutor

    Struggle to find right traffic everything about the area of marketing you want to master. Then, build a plan and take action! You can earn with pops, sweepstakes, zip submits, and loads of other less expensive areas of this industry to learn the basics and become a master of one of those areas before moving on to...
  9. Sanshez

    The Media Buying Diaries

    This looks as you covered everything yet, i'm following this!
  10. V

    The Media Buying Diaries

    Hey guys. I will be documenting my media buying journey here. Feel free to follow along. I'm hoping this journal will keep me in check! A little background: I've been an affiliate marketer for 8+ years now...mostly in email marketing and promoting to niche lists. However, after reading...
  11. entseo

    Offer Wanted Smartphone Email Submit Offers

    I'm looking for smartphone email/zip submit (one fiel or two) CPA/CPL sweepstakes/giveaway offers which are mobile friendly and good to run in the US. I have a few already with MaxBounty but I'm looking for more to extend my reach. Types of traffic I use (and the offers must be compatible with)...
  12. Alex_Chess

    Network Wanted Incentive Offers

    Hey there @HuntedCS! Sup! I do have cool video funnels, crypto trading vertical! Hit me up skype: asudjan :cool:
  13. HuntedCS

    Network Wanted Incentive Offers

    Hello Fixers, I am looking for Incentivized offers for a rewards site that I will be launching very soon. I am only looking for incentivized offers, nothing more. Also, I would prefer networks ran outside of the US (intl), however all networks are welcome to post below, so I can take a look...
  14. CPAHub

    Offer Wanted I want join network affiliate CPL,CPI,CPA

    ...especially. We also offer CPA offers in other countries as well, but we specialise in the above mentioned counties. We have email/zip submits, PIN/sim submits, app downloaded and more. At our network every affiliate also receives their own affiliate manager, he/she is available almost...
  15. lafredet

    One Last Attempt At Affiliate Marketing

    Thanks for the advice Nick. I appreciate it. I'm almost half way through Charles Ngo's course right now, so I'm going to finish that before I really go all-in with my marketing. I feel like I need some real-world practice coming up with angles, creating ads & landing pages, and split testing...
  16. badboy_nick

    One Last Attempt At Affiliate Marketing

    ...from anything that will only earn you a commission if the user needs to buy or install something. Also don't waste your time on cheap zip submits, surveys and other small fry. Go after the easy to convert, high end products. 3) Start by focusing on sending some FB traffic to the landing page...
  17. badboy_nick

    Ask Me Anything Full-Time Super Affiliate (Money, Cars, Women, Booze) - Ask me anything :)

    ...and costs, whereas the seller takes almost none. What you wanna do is look at some of the low-end CPA offers that pay per form submit (zip submits, survey leads, etc) to get your feet wet. These don't pay much but they are a heck of a lot easier to convert than anything "per sale" where a...
  18. publimobinetwork

    Network Wanted Incentive Offers [High Paying]

    You can register and add me to Skype visit this resources PubliMobi CPA NETWORK
  19. HuntedCS

    Network Wanted Incentive Offers [High Paying]

    Will be doing a test apply to see.