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  1. Kleponpink

    Native Ads Networks 2016?

    There is a bunch of them. I got confused when I needed to choose. Now I use Payclick. It was a gambling for the first time. I meant I just experimented, but the Support Manager replied me quickly, and I use it till now :)
  2. Kleponpink

    How to Monetize Your Website (Newbies)

    The work with a website will never end. Having a website can be such a long process involving time and energy devotion as well as some amount of money. At the end, you will consider how to make your money back. Can you earn from the website? The answer is Yes, you can. Here are some ways to...
  3. Kleponpink

    How to Start & Build Your Own Website (for Newbies)

    I want to share some first steps for building your website 1. Learning from other websites. It might take long to research from a few different websites. It can take days, weeks, or months until you find out the visitors that you target, the tone, and the language that you should use 2...
  4. Kleponpink

    How to increase traffic from social media marketing?

    Hi, Basically, my answer is almost the same as others' answers 1.Share a good content. Social media content should be informative, educative, and entertaining. Represent the image of your brand: is it for young people? kids? parents? then, you can choose the tone you use in the posts casual...
  5. Kleponpink

    How to create more backlinks?

    Here are some effective methods for my business: 1. Inviting bloggers to use the product & write it on their blogs 2. Posting pictures on social media with links 3. Guest posts 4. Participating in related forum 5. Developing a blog and post regularly. It might be different for diferrent business :)
  6. Kleponpink

    My Method For Building Up Twitter Accounts for free/cheap + Monetization

    Thank you. It will be useful for me as I am developing Twitter account for my business... :)
  7. Kleponpink

    Ideas For Getting Free Traffic On Your Facebook Page?

    Great! Hope it will be applicable to your business...
  8. Kleponpink

    what do you mean by google bowling in SEO?

    Trying to get your competitor's site banned by Google. It can be done by making spammy links to their websites in forums social media or other platform or connecting the link on the media to virus.
  9. Kleponpink

    Are You Using "Native Ads"?

    Payclick is easy to use. The Support Manager is easy to contact. I contacted her via Skype :)
  10. Kleponpink

    Ideas For Getting Free Traffic On Your Facebook Page?

    1.You can use facebook quiz... "Follow and get" 2. You can ask social media influencer related to your niche to endorse you and mention your account
  11. Kleponpink

    KEY Advice for Email Marketing: Personalizing emails

    Glad to know. I didn't know email personalization can contribute that much!
  12. Kleponpink

    Is SEO is good option for career?

    Yes, almost every business needs it... It's part of marketing trend now.High demand
  13. Kleponpink

    Some Copywriting tips

    Great advice for copywriters. I agree with you that practice makes perfect. Writing is a skill that can be developed through practices... :)
  14. Kleponpink

    Copywriting + Social Media

    I think both of them can work together... For me sharing content (a piece of writing) in social media is effective
  15. Kleponpink

    [Guide] How To Start A Fortune Pond with Instagram

    I'll note the tips and apply it on my product Instagram account...
  16. Kleponpink

    Oh Today I Have Earned

    Congrats. How did you earn it? How much do you earn per week?
  17. Kleponpink

    Official PayClick

    Kleponpink submitted a new resource: PayClick - Increase your revenue with PayClick recommendation widget in Native format! Read more about this resource...
  18. Kleponpink

    What is your favourite type of offer to promote? And why?

    I don't really understand the questions. Do you mean what kind of promotion such as a discount of freebies?Buy 1 Get 1? I think it depends on the product.
  19. Kleponpink

    Which is the best way to promote my website?

    To promote your website you can use 1. social media 2. SEO including link building and guest posts :)
  20. Kleponpink

    Trusted social media sites

    LinkedIn if you want to reach the professional ones Snapchat: This kind of short video is quite popular right now...