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  1. Lana Galileo

    Why is google paying me so less?

    Are you sure about this ranking, if you rank higer you get more cash... this makes no sense, because after all advertisers are those that pay us and they dont care how much pr we have.
  2. Lana Galileo

    money making forum

    Me as well can offer you ideas if i know what are your expertise. But if you can write then thats best thing, its good pay. Or if you know how to use internet, maybe creating blogs and signing up on various websites... There are many things you can do, just say what your good at.
  3. Lana Galileo

    I need Angela Type profiles creation person

    Are you willing to share them?
  4. Lana Galileo

    10 Ways to Get Banned by the Search Engines

    Yea i have talk about this on my blog too. And i would like to add another one that its not mentioned here. Its when your server goes down because its on shared hosting and Google crawler cant reach your pages... you get deindexed or penalized at least.
  5. Lana Galileo

    I need Angela Type profiles creation person

    Well if none offered anything. I can give you a counteroffer: 300 Profiles for 150$ I really doubt anyone will do 2000 this for 150$. This is not even 1 cent per profile, you sure anyone will do this for 1 cent? P.S. if you find anyone doing this for 1 cent let me know, i will hire them too
  6. Lana Galileo

    Good domains for parking

    My goal is to park them and earn cash. That's why i ask, which domains will get more cash. Got answer on other forum that this 3 methods are good: 1. use keyword domains that have high search (not sure about this, someone can confirm?) 2. typo domains like, you buy or...
  7. Lana Galileo

    How google count backlink for any site ?

    As well Google don't give correct number of backlinks, they count them all but don't display them all.
  8. Lana Galileo

    Good domains for parking

    Hi, i m interested in good domains for parking. What domains are good for parking? How do i find those domains? any specific tool i need to use to find them? What for i need to look. Thanks any advice is very appreciate.
  9. Lana Galileo

    blogging platforms

    Wetpaint is as well good. But im not sure if they have dofollow links? Anyone know?
  10. Lana Galileo

    What should I do for generate trafic?-Help

    New fresh tactic could be real time searches. You could use your twitter or other social bookmarking websites and use them for getting on top of Google searches and that way receive traffic. I have write about this on my bloG: Google is mixing real time results into their search engine listings...
  11. Lana Galileo

    Niche Directory

    Nice idea, good website, but you could get better domain, EZ is pretty bad.
  12. Lana Galileo

    What is better for commenting

    Wordpress is better because you can easy post your link, on blogger sometimes you need to login and register. You have some nice plugins for fast commenting on firefox.
  13. Lana Galileo

    Bill Gates Twittering – Is Twitter looking Rich?

    Im not so sure he is real. It could be if he is so bored, but IMO he have things to do in real life. So still i think hes not real, maybe someone hot license to post for him.
  14. Lana Galileo

    Arcade Script

    Fix your links. And you could write some specifications for script in this topic. What it do? Can you autosubmit mochi games?
  15. Lana Galileo

    First page of google!

    Yeah, but if he picks better keyword, he will not rank first. Try to rank many small keywords. Thats my advice.
  16. Lana Galileo

    The fastest way you can update blogger and wordpress and upload content on auto?

    You can use automatic RSS posting for wordpress, search for wp-o-matic plugin.
  17. Lana Galileo

    Will Google Ban me?

    There is something like this in TOS. Not sure if they removed it.
  18. Lana Galileo

    Question about reciprocal link exchange

    I suggest to link only to websites you like, avoid webmasters that want 3 way exchanges. Go for quality not quantity.
  19. Lana Galileo

    Pay per lead or submitted form

    Hi, Can someone list me affiliate networks that offer pay per submitted form, like email or soemthing like that. Im using CJ and CB but they don't offer any of this, at least i cant find any of them. Thanks
  20. Lana Galileo

    Bill Gates Twittering – Is Twitter looking Rich?

    Actually he started to blog, few weeks ago i have post article about him blogging: SEO and Webmastering 24h reports » Blog Archive » Advice to Bill Gates new blog But IMO i dont think this is really Bill Gates, maybe someone who works for him.