The Drag and Drop WordPress Form Builder

Over 30,000,000 downloads!

Form building simplified. Beautiful, user friendly WordPress forms that will make you feel like a professional web developer.

100% Beginner Friendly

Not a tech person? No problem. No coding skills required. You can design beautiful, complex forms like a pro with a dedicated support team at your back.

Build Beautiful WordPress Forms Without Being a Designer

Drag and drop fields. Easy row and column layouts. Multi-page forms. Conditional forms. You don't have to be a designer to create forms that will blend beautifully with your WordPress website.

Advanced Features You Won't Need a Developer to Build

Let users upload files. Send or export submissions as PDFs, Excel files, even Google Sheets. Send email from any form to just the people that need it. You don't need to be (or hire!) a developer.

Accept Payments and Donations

You can accept PayPal and credit card payments securely and easily from any of your WordPress forms. Single payments or subscriptions, fixed, variable, or user entered amounts. Give your customers or donors all the options, or just one!

Start Building Beautiful WordPress Forms in Minutes, not Hours!

You Can Get More From Your Signup and Lead Generation Forms!

Experience the difference a fully customizable signup or lead generation form will make for your business. Grow your mailing lists and bring in new leads like never before. Complete integration with MailChimp, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, Salesforce, Zoho, Insightly, and more!

If You Can Dream It, We'll Do Our Best to Help You Build It

There's so many more ways to use a WordPress form than we can pack into a page. Really need something that you're not sure you can do with Ninja Forms? Ask us, or check out our full feature list!

See what our customers are saying about Ninja Forms

five stars

Clean, Efficient and Full of Features

Having investigated all the major brands Ninja forms was the only one which gave me the features I needed. The save progress is simple and so powerful because you can interact with the user as they save their progress, something which was essential for my project.

Of course with every plugin you come across hurdles and that’s when I was really glad I purchased Ninja forms. The support has been fantastic, responsive, knowledgeable and just generally really keen to help me solve my problem.

That’s a 5 star plug-in for me.

Craig Witton
five stars

How did I ever get along without this?!?!?!

This has made forms so so so so so much easier. I showed this to a friend who had NEVER worked with web forms and in one afternoon, he was up and running with a sophisticated email form that looks like it was done by a professional and this friend is so NOT a geek. Read the documentation and this will become your new best friend!

five stars

Awesome product.

Built a fully functional set of forms with dynamic fields and conditional logic in a weekend, with only minimal knowledge of the plugin beforehand. A testament to solid documentation and user interface.

five stars


I really like this forms especially fields editor. Thank you so much!

langwo (@langwo)
five stars


Ninja Forms is a feature packed product with multiple plugins and integrations. They are constantly improving their products too!

Ninja Forms support has helped me through a number of issues. If there is a problem they can’t immediately fix, they continue to look into other solutions. They also provide alternate solutions if the problem still remains.

five stars

Great, Great, Great… Product and Support

This is by far the best plugin available for building your own custom forms. Fully drag and drop and very easy to use. The support is fast. These folks are great to work with.

Would highly recommend this. Don’t spend days searching. This is worth it. Great addons to support many options.


