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Recent content by yogi1981

  1. yogi1981

    How can you attract more affiliates ?

    Yes, it is true. I also don't agree with joining multiple network because joining multiple networks will only increase the crap you receiving and will increase the money you are spending. Better, make good long term relations with affiliates. Go ahead step by step. Don't expect overnight...
  2. yogi1981


    Hi Maggie, Welcome to forum. You will find a lot many helpful people in this forum who will always be ready to help you in using Internet as a good way of making money sitting at home.
  3. yogi1981

    affiliate quality, and type

    Yes, This is common. People think that affiliate marketing is an easy way to make quick money without efforts. Now a day, every persona want to do it. They register a domain, look for free hosting, copy contents and creates a banner farm. Even in big networks like CJ, you will find lot...
  4. yogi1981

    Launching for relatively new product

    It is a major concern. I my self is an affiliate manager of a merchant who recently had launched his business. Now, we have to think in another direction. If your company or project id new then you have to apply different strategies. Mine are: >> Weekly payment: Make your payment cycle as...
  5. yogi1981

    Best ways of recruiting affiliates?

    Lets summarize all the posts and the ways to recruit affiliates are: >> Search with your product / service reviews in Google / Yahoo / Bing and find the top 1000 sites which are relevant. Find their contact details if available on their website. If not, then check from WHOIS and contact them...
  6. yogi1981

    Should I offer 2 tier?

    Hi Hi Marie, I have different opinion. As you said that many affiliates don't refer others and it is true but if we think in general, most of the time an affiliate manager is always busy in recruiting new affiliates and if we read AFFSTAT report, 18% of the affiliates are recruited by...
  7. yogi1981

    Payment option and affiliates

    Thanks for the kind advice and sharing your experience. I feel that too and I have to convince the merchant to add more options.
  8. yogi1981

    New to affiliate marketing need help!

    Hi Wuduyathink, That's correct that you have to learn a lot. I suggest some easier solutions. Register a good niche blog in wordpress / blogger which is related to your interest / hobby / knowledge. Second step is search in Google that which are the top k/ws in that niche area. You can use...
  9. yogi1981

    Recurring vs. Big Payments

    If we stick to the hosting companies, if they are good like GoDaddy, BlueHost, HostGator then I suggest to go for recurring but if you are an affiliate of some new companies, there are no guarantee that they will stay in future and people will stay with them. So go for upfront payment.
  10. yogi1981

    Payment option and affiliates

    We have launched a new affiliate program related to VoIP Phones and VoIP hardware and we have given only one option to the affiliates to receive their commission payment and that is ePassporte. Now my question is that should I add other options or it is normal that affiliate prefer to receive...
  11. yogi1981

    Newbie help with backlink building

    You can get quality link builders from LimeExchange. Put your need over there and you will find a number of bidders too. I am successfully using it and response is too good.
  12. yogi1981

    Affiliate Recruiting and the FREE Affstat Report

    Hi Linda, You said "GRAB the free Affstat Report right now. You'll be surprised at some of the info and amazed at how much data there is!" Where can I grab it?
  13. yogi1981

    Merchant / affiliate trade links

    Hi Tapdancemadeeasy. What you need is combination of a good affiliate tracking software and have to integrate it with your shopping cart. First of all you need to create a business strategy that how much commission would you pay to the person who refer business to you. Then create a special...
  14. yogi1981

    Affiliate Manager Salary

    Affiliate Manager's salary should be paid in following ways: Fixed monthly compensation + % of sales (That is required for continuous motivation). I am not aware about the US / UK affiliate manager's salary but if we look at India, an experienced affiliate manager with 2+ years of experience...
  15. yogi1981

    Affiliate Network software

    I know that I am bit late answering this question but I will surely like to give my opinion. Your software should have following capacity: Multiple merchant setup Multiple campaigns per merchant Multiple affiliate group under one campaign Multiple banner group under one campaign Reporting by...