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Recent content by linkbuilder85

  1. L

    How to submit multiple urls to Dirs/Rss feeds dirs/Social Bookmarkings ?

    SEO is not that easy, To see any results you have to build many links, im automator just helps to acquire some of them. therefore you will not see results only by using im automator.
  2. L

    How to check a site traffic?

    Data from Alexa are not accurate and not updated often. Assuming that you do not have access to google analytics - you can simply ask seller to sent you a report from it. This way is simpliest and more accurate. Other service like alexa can give you only a faint idea about a traffic.
  3. L

    How to submit multiple urls to Dirs/Rss feeds dirs/Social Bookmarkings ?

    It works. Have You tried? I am using it right now without any problem.
  4. L

    How to submit multiple urls to Dirs/Rss feeds dirs/Social Bookmarkings ?

    I use free social bookmarking service called IM Automator. It submits to SB and rss from its own database. In free version You are limited to 10 per day.
  5. L

    Back link monitoring

    Yes Yahoo site explorer is a great tool. Far more accurate than GWT.
  6. L

    how to get indexed very fast in Bing

    That same as in google. Get some link from pr4, 5 to get indexed in 2 days. Or get some other link to get indexed in a longer term ( about a week if its PR 0,1,2)
  7. L

    Adding live chat to my website can increase my business?

    Please tell what kind of bussines You have. If You are selling goods and services I think yes It can.
  8. L

    3 Way Link Building Strategies

    3 way linking is now easily tracked by the search engines. I wouldn't recommend it unless You link to relevant pages, which can do nothing wrong.
  9. L

    What are the best affiliates networks in UK?

    Hi, I am from Poland , so I don't know what are the best affiliates networks in UK ( beside adwords) ? Anybody can help?
  10. L

    Get most powerful xrumer service ever cheap price! Gain massive backlinks & traffic!

    Xrumer may be sufficient in short term bo if You want to create serious link portfolio it's just a waste of money and of course Black Hat that google won't like.
  11. L

    How can I use stumble upon for increase my site traffic ?

    With having Your site reviewed in stumbe upon there is also a great thing. After You or someone does it, small StumbleUpon icon will appear next to your site title in organic results when someone with Stumble Upon toolbar will search the web. This can increase CTR of your organic results.
  12. L

    I saw a add for adsense account for sale

    First You should ask her/him how much he gets from his account. few dollars is still not much:) but for this You can as well buy link,that will make You more money than this account.
  13. L

    Hi all,

    I am a SEO/SEM specialist form Poland. I hope we are going to share many good traffic and money attracting strategies. Cheers,