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Recent content by Jobbertown Media

  1. J

    Would You Advise Your Competition?

    I have helped out competition, and the competition has helped me out on numerous occasions. I have found some strange friendships in the wake of that, and I believe it to be a good relationship builder. If at the end of the day all we value is money, how good are we? If a client comes my way...
  2. J

    IS my site SLOW ??

    it seemed ok to me, it only took around 20-30 secs for me to download it. But I am sure that has to do with my comcast connection. I am in the northwest of the usa hmmm I really got to read the last pages of the forums before i confusing
  3. J

    Plz Review My site

    wow. Nice site, i like the header and the link images. But i hate pop up ads. That is a huge site. Lot of work went into that one eh? I see alot of ads on there, must be profitable for you. Good luck with your endeavore:thumbsup: One thing though, and I am probably showing my age, but...
  4. J

    Great PageRank Checker

    Neat tool. Nice to see all the tricks I learned on these forums pays off! Woot! PR 1 Nice!:goodjobsign:
  5. J

    Presidential candidate calls mother of Five a Pig.

    it was obama. He was referring to a comment made by Palin when she said the difference between her and a pitbull was lipstick. The uproar over the comment was surely spin of course, especially since the exact same comment came out of Dick Cheney's mouth in the 2004 election. Same ol same ol.
  6. J

    Floats Or Absolutes?

    I used absolutes alot, in the beginning. But once I got a widescreen monitor, it really put the float into perspective. Now its all i do for the most part. Still working on bettering the floats within a container div, that gets kind of tricky at times
  7. J

    Greets from the other side of the pond

    Hi guys, I am Chris and I am from Washington state. I run a small business and am glad to be here. How did you find UK WW? I followed a link awhile back about a contest. Which reminds me, I have a different profile that I would like to have deleted. If at all possible, let me know. I...