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Recent content by jimroddy

  1. J

    Review my logo design work

    i give 8/10 ...keep up the good woork
  2. J

    Review of Website and a Sales Page

    Hi to all you Pros out there, Recently I updated my websites with new feel and look and the reason was to generate more sales and traffic. I had update all the major sections with a help of my friend in India. The website is doing well and there is a increase in sales and leads, but somehow I...
  3. J

    Kindly review my skin treatment website

    looks good enough to me
  4. J

    Website Review

    looks pretty cool to me but u may need to make it more explain to the vistors
  5. J

    Genielets Please make some reviews :)

    either the website is down or not loading, plz check and drop again
  6. J

    How else do you guys make money online?

    selling services online forums, affiliate marketing and freelance
  7. J

    How can I get traffic on on my blog related to real estate business?

    try to go for the authority links through real estate websites, forums, post articles and few other idea like PR
  8. J

    Link Building Strategy?

    there is no point in building links in blind and you have to go for the authority links, try to build links through social media as they look more natural and fare enough.
  9. J

    Review my logo design work

    Nice design and to be fare enough i would give 7
  10. J

    New memebrs looking forward to all the pro out there

    Hi to all, I m just a newbie over here and looking forward to share my experience with all you pro out there.