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Recent content by jay246

  1. jay246

    How to submit multiple urls to Dirs/Rss feeds dirs/Social Bookmarkings ?

    What is IM Automator? Hop this thing don't get you banned for spamming or something.
  2. jay246

    How to check page rank in Yahoo!

    There was something call Yahoo Web Rank back in 2004 i think, far as i know the server was shutdown long time ago. I think there is know way you can check the rank now, but if anyone know please let me know. thanks
  3. jay246

    How can I get approve in yahoo directory ?

    I did submit my site and it didn't work for me.
  4. jay246

    Hello Everyone

    Hello everyone, My name is Jay and I am from UK. I am a webmater and here is my site ( This is the first time I joined a UK forum and I hope to meet new friends and join new group. Thanks