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Recent content by hissae2

  1. hissae2

    Making Friends

    I prefer to make friends with the members and staff. Where's the fun in just lurking around in discussions? :P This way members feel more comfortable with the admins too which is always a good thing.
  2. hissae2

    Do you let moderators delete topics?

    I do not allow moderators to delete topics. There's really no reason at all to delete topics or posts so I removed the option to delete. Moderators and admins always just move posts and topics to the trash instead of deleting. Much easier to know who said what this way, and it prevents abuse. :)
  3. hissae2

    Most active member?

    I have a member on my forum with 36,000 posts, in only a year and a half. She is easily the most active on the forum. I am in a distant second with 17,000 posts now, maybe one day I'll catch up. :P
  4. hissae2

    Paid to post

    I would never pay money to make posts on forums. It would cost way too much to keep them active and they're not real posts, every post they make is fake. Exchanges are a waste of time as well in my opinion because the members will never return.
  5. hissae2

    Do you trust "get rich quick" methods?

    I don't trust them ever. They're never true and they're always just trying to get money out of you. I find it pretty obvious if it's a scam, anything that offers a way to get rich quick for a small fee is always a scam. There is no real way to get rich quick, everything requires lots of time and...
  6. hissae2

    Can staff ban?

    Do you allow your moderators or staff members to ban members? Or do you think it should be an admin only thing? I allow all my moderators to ban members. I only hire people I trust so I see no reason why not. This way they can quickly ban the spammers.
  7. hissae2

    Staff and contests

    Do you allow staff to participate in contests? I allow staff to participate in some but not others. If the staff helped plan it, they should not be allowed. If it's a referral or posting contest it should not be allowed. But graphic contests and things like that I see no reason to stop staff...