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Recent content by edricb2000

  1. E

    Howdy howdy everyone

    Yes, there something special needed to be known. Greetings AZ gold and thank you for the excellent breakdown of everything that I mentioned in that thread. I've always wanted my own affiliate marketer's dream website, but without the extravagant costs associated. So far, there is 4 businesses...
  2. E

    Website Help

    I wondered on here, who can help generate ideas for a website. I have hosting and some content, but I want a full blown website. Also, I have a designer.
  3. E

    How to get best experience?

    Thanks everyone. Will do.
  4. E

    How to get best experience?

    Dear Staff, How do I get the most out of this community and the information?
  5. E

    Howdy howdy everyone

    What's funny is that these Gurus and what not, convince the newbie to make these large dollar purchases for crap they can't use or need. That was me a while ago. I always thought some $47 or $497 product was going to magically make me a millionaire in a couple of weeks somehow. However, to no...
  6. E

    Howdy howdy everyone

    My name is Ed and it is very nice to be a part of the community. I hope everyone is having a grand holiday season. I have been in the AF area since early on and am starting to feel like I am brain dead when it comes to learning this information and implementing into a practical plan. All I...