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Recent content by Caleb

  1. Caleb

    What Google does with duplicate content: Nothing really

    Good post. I think duplicate content is one of the larger misconceptions in SEO. Right up there with PR & links.
  2. Caleb

    Copyright Rules For Internet Marketers

    I'd recommend doing some research on "Fair Use Check" or "Creative Commons Material". Maybe that would be a good starting point to help narrow down your question.
  3. Caleb

    7 Reasons You Need a Mobile Website

    Google Webmaster Central recently had a couple of good videos on mobile site improvement. Definitely worth a quick view if you're interested in this topic right now.
  4. Caleb

    The Utility of Redirects

    There has been a lot of talk about exact match domains being devalued by Google. You may want to research it a little if your only reason for purchasing it is SEO reasons. SEOmoz has some info on it. I'd also recommend researching the domain's history to see if it was used for spam.
  5. Caleb

    17 Ways SMBs Can Survive the Google Penguin Update Effect

    This is a really good article. I love hearing different peoples points of view all in one place. Some very valuable information here that we could all apply to our websites. Especially affiliate sites, since we know that the big G is watching us extra close.
  6. Caleb

    From Auckland, New Zealand

    Welcome to the forum, Jim. Are you an active affiliate? Or just looking at the possibility of getting into it? BTW, which way does the water spin when you flush the toilet in NZ? I've heard that it's opposite of us in the US.
  7. Caleb

    Recommend a site builder

    Hi Joe, I'd recommend dumping iPage and looking into a Wordpress site hosted on HostGator, BlueHost, or HawkHost and looking at the Wordpress Flexibility 3 theme. It's pretty intuitive and you should have a site up in no time. Good luck!
  8. Caleb

    I'm addicted to SEO

    We all suckle at the Google teat. At some point it might all come crashing down! I'd recommend getting a newsletter sign up on your site and start creating a list. That's something Google can't take away and you're left with people who are interested in your product. Even if social media...
  9. Caleb

    How do I get my website noticed by search engines?

    Max, welcome to the forum. I'm new here too. I'd recommend reading the Search-Engine-Marketing-SEO section on this forum and start educating yourself. There is a ton of great info from people who have had success doing exactly what you're trying to do. Before you know it you'll be an SEO Ninja...
  10. Caleb

    Not showing in Google

    Make sure you're doing good keyword research and not trying to compete for an extremely competitive term. IDK if you've seen it, but Squidoo has a page about optimizing a Lens: SEO Squidoo Lens - SEO Tips for Squidoo Lens
  11. Caleb

    Looking for more sites like clickbank

    Joe, have you tried some of the larger networks like; CJ, Linkshare, SaS? They have plenty of health related merchants available.
  12. Caleb

    Which superpower would you choose?

    The ability to process free beer into urine. Oh wait, I can already do that really well. Ok, um... The ability to quickly get correct change out of my pocket on the first try.
  13. Caleb

    Working at Home

    I LOVE working from home. One of my biggest challenges is my wife, and other family members, asking me to do them favors during the day "since I'm just sitting at home" ;-) Phoenixnap hit the nail on the head about the library being an amazing untapped resource. I try to go there at least...
  14. Caleb

    Google PR

    PR won't help your conversions. Instead of spending time looking at and working on your PR, I'd recommend using that time to create quality content and a better user experience. A high PR is great for selling links to people who think PR is important.
  15. Caleb

    Quick Question About Youtube Response Vids

    I've been able to do this many times. If you click in the text box to post a response, you are then given the option to post a video response. If you click on that you are given the option to respond with any video you've uploaded, or you can upload a new video. Am I understanding your...