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Recent content by AffiliateX

  1. AffiliateX

    Gold Seo Techniques 2014 - 2016

    Thanks for this. So much to keep up with.
  2. AffiliateX

    My 5 Best Methods for Free Facebook Traffic

    Thanks @azgold for sharing. That's great to know.
  3. AffiliateX

    Biggest Mistakes Newbie Affiliate Marketers Make

    Wow @StaceyRicci, have you run into a lot of people who do not do tracking?!
  4. AffiliateX

    CDN comparison: What CDN do you guys prefer?

    The problem with Amazon and RackSpace is that they still use a lot of HDD, and we all know what SSD has done for hosting. Both Amazon and rackspace are phasing in SSD, but who knows what "phasing in" really means? A lot of hosting providers will offer TrueSpeed CDN from SiteLock. This combined...
  5. AffiliateX

    You make what you take so make money and take opportunity

    I take what I make :affiliatefix:, so I take advantage of opportunities to make money. Carpe Diem my friend, carpe diem ;)
  6. AffiliateX

    Just Crossed Another Milestone of $1135.56 from JVZoo via Bing PPC Yesterday

    Fantastic @Tusohian and Congrats to you. I had never even considered BING before. Was there a resource on AffiliateFix, or a course you used to get started? Thanks
  7. AffiliateX

    Goal Setting: The Turning Point

    @tjtutor 's advice is really great. A note not completely on topic, but I think adds value to your process, and applies to any goal setting. Have attainable goals set along the way. Too many people want big thing immediately, but everything takes work to achieve. To this day, I intentionally...
  8. AffiliateX

    Affiliate X

    TJ: Thank you for the warm welcome. Not familiar with "The Dojo", will explore. Thanks for the recommendation. Thank you, Manish
  9. AffiliateX

    Affiliate X

    Hello, Glad to be here. I've been at this a very long time. My first mentor in Internet Marketing was Corey Rudl. For those who don't know who he is, Google him. Arguably, he is the father of Internet Marketng and Online Affiliate programs. He was a great guy. Most of his techniques would...
  10. AffiliateX

    Ask Me Anything Generating conversions from Mobile Traffic

    Taiwo: I saw your Mobile Immersion offer page. I also saw some of your older posts on other forums, and you seem to be legit. My question is are you STILL earning the big money like you were? Not taking anything away from your past accomplishments, but things change super quick online. Want to...