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Your PayPal email address


New Member
Some webmaster seem to use a completely different email address for their paypal account to their regular day to day email.

I think such people lose money because when you contact them via their paypal account it there is and issue about their submission you never get any reply, most of the time when I don't get a reply from such people I forgot to approve or refund their money and some never gets back to you, I wonder why
I do have separate account for PayPal and like you say - don't use it day-to-day but I have forwarder set up so any email sent to that address still gets to my attention right away...
Yes, I saw this case also. Many webmasters even disapprove to sending emails on their paypal email address. I have bought a service these days from someone and I also sent him an email letting him know about this. HE again contacted me via forum PM to tell me that I should NOT use that email address to send him emails anymore...